MPA Is Seeking Host Families

Sarah McFarland talking to an international studentDo you have room to spare? Space in your heart for another family member? A desire to expand your family’s perspective of the world? MPA is seeking host families for several international students for the 2019-20 school year.

Our new students this year are finding great success, experiencing near-daily “firsts,” and loving their MPA journey. Between the adults in their school and home lives, our students feel supported, nurtured, and loved while living so far from their families. This is vital to their success and the strongest testament to everything our MPA host families and staff do to care for our international students.

We would love it if you and your family considered hosting an international student for next school year. As you and your family consider hosting, some logistical questions may arise. The information below is by no means an exhaustive list, but it may answer some of the initial questions you have and prompt additions ones as well:

  • Host families are responsible for providing transportation to and from school and school-related activities.
  • Host families are responsible for providing transportation to and from the airport when the student travels.
  • Host families will work with their student in scheduling rides for social events.
  • A 10-month stipend of $9,000 will be directly deposited in equal installments of $900/month on the first of each month for the previous month, September through June.
  • An early installment of $500 will be deposited on August 1 in preparation of your student’s arrival; the remaining $400 will be deposited on September 1.
  • The daily stipend rate of $30/day will be taken from and disbursed to host families who are providing respite care for a student, as needed.
  • All international students will receive the MPA school lunch. Host families and students do not need to pack lunches.
  • Host families are responsible for providing two meals on all weekdays and three meals on all weekend days.
  • New-to-MPA students are being asked to arrive over the weekend of August 17-18, 2019.
  • New students will have New International Student Orientation on August 20-23.
  • Returning MPA students will probably arrive on/near August 26, preparing for the first day of school on August 28.

By hosting an international student, you and your family have a unique opportunity to bring the language, culture, and perspective of another country into your home, allowing for a truly rich, intercultural experience. The students will love to share their lives with you while becoming a part of your family, exploring Minnesota, and enjoying MPA student life all at the same time.

We hope you’ll consider opening your hearts and homes to one of our international students. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Sarah McFarland, International Student Program Coordinator and Advanced Language & Culture Teacher, at or 651-777-2555.

Click here to fill out a Host Family Application, and here for more information. Thank you so much for considering!

MPA Speech Wins Section 4A

Students at section speech tournamentThe MPA Speech Team won the MSHSL Section 4A Speech Tournament on Friday, April 5 with more than double the points of the second place team. Congratulations to our Panthers and their incredible coaches!

Finalists and state qualifiers are:

  • Beldaja Jama – 1st place in DISCUSSION (going to the MSHSL State Tournament)
  • Kaija Kunze-Hoeg – 3rd place in DRAMA (going to the MSHSL State Tournament)
  • Chloe McClusky – 4th place in DRAMA
  • Hana Miller – 5th place in DRAMA
  • Ryan Ghose and Livia Wooldridge – 1st place in DUO (going to the MSHSL State Tournament)
  • Carly Peacock and Tyler Schelle – 3rd place in DUO (going to the MSHSL State Tournament)
  • Garrett Hollihan – 1st place in EXTEMPORANEOUS SPEAKING (going to the MSHSL State Tournament)
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Two Seniors Far Surpass Previous Bridge Record

Gabby Law and Henry Peterson with their bridgeA story of creative risk-taking and turning challenges into opportunities.

Fifteen sticks of basswood, a tube of glue, a bunch of instructions, guidelines, and some hints: these are the only materials given to students in Upper School physics for the infamous Bridge Project. The students have four weeks to build a bridge that will hold the most weight possible and garner votes for craftsmanship, creativity, realism, beauty, and best name, before putting the bridges to the test.

“I’ve been doing it since the mid-nineties,” says Marc Shapiro, Upper School physics teacher. “I do it because it’s a great way to apply things that we have learned during the first semester of physics. It’s a new, different kind of project than any other thing that we do, and we get to learn about structures and forces along the way.”

This year started out like previous years, with the students hard at work on their bridges. After the bridge testing, however, it was clear that something special had happened; two MPA seniors, Gabby Law and Henry Peterson, set an outstanding new record that would go down in MPA Bridge Project history as the bridge that held the most weight. Their bridge weighed 21.05 grams, and held an astonishing 319 pounds, which was 6,900 times its own weight. The previous record held just under 2,400 times its own weight.

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MPArors Advance To World Championship

Robotics team with their robotThis past weekend the Robotics Team, MPArors, competed in the MN FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) Regional Robotics Competition! The team placed second overall out of 60 teams, and will be moving onto the FIRST Championship in Detroit at the end of April, where there will be teams participating from all over the world.

They had a wonderful group of fans who stayed throughout the day to watch, among which was Sarah McFarland, MPA parent and international student program coordinator. “There were so may wonderful things to see and experience such as watching the team learn and grow from their mistakes, seeing the students in action working together toward a common goals, hearing the pride in mentors’ voices and seeing the sparkle in their eyes,” she shared.

Some MPA alumni and founding team members were also in attendance, cheering on the MPArors and offering their support. Among the MPA alumni present was Sirid Kellermann ’88. Sirid was a FIRST FRC Judge Advisor, whose job it is to coordinate the 30-judge team and ensure they are able to do their jobs successfully. “The MPArors truly reflected the ‘gracious professionalism’ spirit of FIRST Robotics,” said Sirid, “FIRST is about so much more than building a quality robot that performs well in competition. It’s also about the agile problem-solving, teamwork, and collaboration with other teams for the benefit of all. The MPArors can be proud of being a well-rounded team that checks all of these boxes. I encourage them to build on their success and strive even higher in the coming years—I’ll be there cheering them on again next spring!”

Congrats, MPArors! The MPA community and Coach Shapiro are so proud of you!

Spring’s Impact On Learning

upper school students outside for biology classby Renee Wright, Lower School Director

Editor’s Note: On the first Thursday of each month, you will find a guest blog post here from one of MPA’s division directors. We hope you enjoy reading their thoughts and reflections about life at MPA.

The March break stimulates thoughts of spring in Minnesota, stirs up feelings of excitement, and renews the soul. Spring has always been my favorite season, marking the end of a brutal winter and the transition into warmer temperatures. As a child I watched for puddles to appear and looked for the first sighting of a robin or baby bunnies or ducklings in our backyard as a sign that spring was on its way. Spring seemed so mysterious to me as a child, and as an adult I continue to feel the same. The transition from winter to spring magically transforms nature, which impacts the human spirit. Read More

Meet Ryan Ghose ’21

Ryan Ghose in classWhat do you love about MPA?
Waking up every morning excited about what I’m doing that day, whether it be a fun activity during class, play rehearsal, or a school dance.

How are you encouraged to dream big and do right at MPA?
I am encouraged to dream big and do right through everything MPA offers. My extracurriculars allow me to explore anything and everything I set my mind to. The volunteer work I have been doing on campaigns and for organizations I believe in continue to inspire me to do right for my peers and my community.

What would you tell a family considering MPA?
If you have a child that loves to learn and wants to explore their environment, MPA allows your child to do that in a supportive and understanding environment. Read More

Math League Finishes Second In State

MPA Math LeagueCongratulations to the MPA Math League for finishing second in the state in Class A in the state tournament! Minnesota Valley Lutheran finished in first place and Breck finished in third place.

“I am really proud of how our team performed at the state tournament,” comments Coach Ethier. “Everyone on the team contributed to their second place finish, and everyone contributed to their success during the season.”

Coach Ethier also shares that it wasn’t too many years ago that they had trouble fielding a team of eight to compete at the meets, and that this year they had 11 different students who were part of the scoring team in at least one meet, and 18 students who came to most of their meets. “It’s been great to see the growth of our Math League program over the years,” says Ethier.

Juliana Wu, a senior and co-captain of the team, shares similar feelings. “This is the highlight of my senior year,” she said, “It was the first time in four years we went to state. Our team is awesome this year; we work really hard and all share an interest and a passion for math.”

Congratulations Math League and Coach Ethier!

What Students Discover When Learning By Doing

French immersion iterm group in quebecby Dr. Bill Hudson, Head of School

For most Middle School students, this week is their favorite time of the school year. It is i-Term, a signature MPA program that offers students an intensive learning experience in a single class that aligns with their interests and fuels their passion for learning. For some, it primarily means a week without homework and without grades. For all, this inquiry-based, experiential learning experience reflects a core attribute of an MPA education that has been with us since our founding 37 years ago.

Inquiry-based learning, project-based learning, and service-learning are relatively new terms in the educational world and seem to be in vogue as schools look for creative and innovative ways to more fully engage students in learning. The Nellie Mae Education Foundation defines project-based learning as “an instructional approach that addresses core content through relevant, hands-on learning—challenging students to solve ‘real world- problems.” According to the Center for Teaching and Learning at the University of Washington, “Service-learning refers to learning that actively involves students in a wide range of experiences, which often benefit others and the community, while also advancing the goals of a given curriculum.” Read More

Creating The Future

Nick, Andrew, and Alex LarsonA Message From MPA’s Board Of Trustees 

by Matthew Larson, MPA Parent, Board Treasurer, Board Chair-Elect

MPA’s faculty and staff are creating and nurturing our children’s dreams and providing the skills and mindsets it will take to fulfill them every day. Our school’s mission is held in deep regard and is sincerely felt throughout its classrooms and hallways. The future spaces and opportunities that Together, We Dream will create will be game changing for our students, faculty, staff, and entire MPA community. If I may speak on behalf of the MPA Board of Trustees, we believe Abraham Lincoln said it well: “The best way to predict your future is to create it.” Read More

Spring Sailing For MPA

Sailing teamfrom Toby Sullivan ’19, sailing captain

Spring sports have begun! Of course, you have all the normal sports to choose from, but here at MPA students in grades 7-12 also have something different—sailing. Did you know that we have been one of the top teams in the state recently? Did you know that we race locally, regional and nationally? Did you know that sailing is a co-ed sport?

If you are looking for a sport that has life-long potential and is tons of fun, come join the MPA Sailing Team. You do not have to know how to sail—we will teach you everything you need to know to be able to be part of our team.

Sailing is a two-season sport. You can sail in the fall or the spring or both. Practices are on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at White Bear Sailing School (carpools are arranged) and races are on Saturdays at various locations. Practices and races are loose so if you cannot make one, it’s ok. If you don’t want to commit right away, come and try out three practices for free. We’ll get started after spring break.

If you have questions or want more information talk to senior Toby Sullivan ( or team advisor and MPA math teacher Ms. Sullivan (