Jennifer Le VargeIt is my great pleasure to welcome you to the Mounds Park Academy Lower School! Here, your family will be part of an exceptional learning community. At MPA, you will find a place to grow, a place to connect, and a place to belong. Here, each child is known by name and celebrated for the unique talents they bring to our school. We aim to instill in every student a sense of confidence, a yearning for knowledge, and a love of learning that extends far beyond their elementary years. MPA is a school of thinkers.

On a daily basis, students will be invited to question, explore, discover and reflect upon the learning process. With the latest technology, they will conduct research, communicate ideas, and connect as global citizens, in the AnnMarie Thomas Makerspace and beyond. Through these experiences, the students learn language, mathematics, science and social studies—among other subjects—more broadly and deeply. At MPA, we offer a variety of subjects that we consider to be of equal importance to others, including drama, art, music, technology, physical education, library, and world languages (French and Spanish). We also offer learning support, a sensory room, and employ a full-time Lower School counselor to provide wellness opportunities for our students.

With intellectual curiosity, creativity and critical thinking skills, your child will be prepared for a rapidly changing future. We live in a world where knowledge is no longer the sole indicator of success. - Success belongs to those who know what to do with their knowledge. The future lies in the hands of MPA students, who are inspired not only to learn important information, but to ask critical questions, synthesize facts, identify misinformation, and create solutions for global issues that impact humankind. Every day, our students ages three to 11 in the Lower School are challenged to dream big and do right.

Our teachers are highly dedicated, well-trained professionals. As a team, we constantly seek research-based and engaging ways to teach young minds. We develop the curriculum, so it is relevant, engaging, and challenging for each student. We extend areas of strengths, support areas of growth and attend to the emotional, social and physical wellbeing of every learner.

To truly understand and appreciate our school, we invite parents to become involved in their child's learning journey and the MPA community. Visit our classrooms when you can, talk to our teachers and attend our school events. Parental involvement is a significant factor in student success. We value parent input and active involvement and look forward to a strong partnership.

Jennifer Le Varge
Lower School Director
email | 651-748-5542