Student Support Services
The purpose of our Student Support Services Team is to provide support and guidance to our students who are experiencing challenges that are impacting them at school. These difficulties may be emotional, social, academic, behavioral and/or health-related in nature. The team consults and guides teachers and families as well.
Students with documented disabilities are eligible for a support plan. These plans are individualized, and include an overall student profile as well as accommodations based on assessment information, family input, and MPA’s guidelines. The support plan is then shared with the student’s teachers so that accommodations can be provided in the classroom.
Grade Level Meetings
Middle School teachers meet for bi-weekly grade level meetings. The purpose of these meetings is to closely monitor student progress, celebrate student achievements, and plan for upcoming grade level activities and events. This regular communication ensures that we are connected with all students and life in Middle School. Please be assured confidential information is shared on a need-to-know basis and only when it is in the student’s best interest.
Student Support Team
If there are ongoing or significant concerns regarding a student, a referral is made to the Student Support Team for additional consultation and support. This team consists of the director, dean, counselors and the learning specialist; teachers and advisors are included as needed. This group gathers information, develops and initiates a plan to help support the student, and does periodic checks to monitor student progress as well as partner with families.
Meet the Team
Psychologist |
Learning Specialist
Family Resource Links
Helping Children Cope with Frightening News
Child Mind Institute
Helping Children Cope After a Traumatic Event
Child Mind Institute
Explaining the News to Our Kids
Common Sense Media
Talking to Children About Violence: Tips for Parents and Teachers
National Association of School Psychologists
How to Help Children and Youth Process the Capitol Insurrection
Spark and Stitch Institute
Teaching Resources to Help Students Make Sense of the Rampage at the Capitol
The New York Times and a variety of educational organizations
Leading Conversations After Crisis
Teaching Tolerance