The number of children with food allergies continues to rise. This fact and the desire to best serve and protect our students with food allergies prompted MPA to make the commitment to becoming an Allergy Aware School.
MPA has a series of school-wide guidelines and protocols in place. The overarching principle we embrace is to minimize as many risks as possible, while realizing that it is impossible to eliminate them all. We have followed the lead of both independent and public schools in the development of the guidelines as well as federal agencies and national advocacy organizations.
As a Food Allergy Aware School, Mounds Park Academy prohibits foods with peanuts and tree nuts (walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, pecans, cashews, pistachios, Brazil nuts, pine nuts, lychee, tamarind, and macadamias) listed as ingredients throughout the school and at all school events. If a food is “manufactured in a facility” or “processed on the same equipment,” it will be allowed in Upper School. However, those food items are prohibited in Middle and Lower School. These are the two allergens most often linked to anaphylaxis, a life-threatening reaction that can include difficulty breathing, vomiting, and in extreme cases, death.
Please abide by the guidelines provided and read food labels carefully. In the MPA spirit of compassion, respect, and inclusiveness, thank you for your support.
Find more detailed information below and direct questions to Members of the administrative team as well as the school nurse will receive your message and reply promptly. Visit the Health Services page for forms.
Do not send your child to school with foods that have peanuts or tree nuts listed on the ingredient label. These ingredients are prohibited throughout the school.
The only way to know for certain what contains peanuts or tree nuts is to read the label of the packaging. Always read the entire ingredient list and food label to look for the words “peanut” or “tree nut.” These words may be within the list of the ingredients or they could be listed in a “Contains:” statement beneath the list of ingredients. The FDA requires that foods containing any of the top eight allergens be clearly labeled as such, in bold, within or at the end of the list of ingredients.
Safe/Not Safe At MPA
- Any food that contains peanuts or tree nuts in the ingredient list: never safe throughout the school, PreK-12.
- May contain peanuts or tree nuts: never safe throughout the school, PreK-12.
- Any food that is labeled that it is "manufactured in a facility" or "processed on the same equipment" as tree nuts or peanuts: never safe in Lower or Middle School, permitted in Upper School.
- Home baked or home cooked foods that do not contain peanuts or tree nuts in any of their ingredients and are made and prepared, taking care to avoid, any trace of peanuts and tree nuts: safe throughout the school, PreK-12.
- Restaurant food that does not contain peanuts or tree nuts and is made in a peanut and tree nut-free kitchen (examples: Chipolte, Nino's Pizzeria): safe throughout the school, PreK-12.
- Restaurant food that does not contain peanuts or tree nuts but is made in a kitchen that does handle peanuts and tree nuts (examples: Panera, McDonald's, Subway, Little Caesars): never safe in Lower and Middle School, permitted in Upper School.
- Restaurant food that contains peanuts or tree nuts: never safe throughout the school, PreK-12.
Please consult the following website for safe food and snack ideas: MPA selected this website because it is the only list that is updated regularly. We suggest downloading a copy and noting the expiration date of the list.
In addition, here is a general list of safe and unsafe foods ...
Often Safe at MPA
(always read the label to know for sure)
- Fresh fruits other than lychee or tamarind, prepared with care to avoid any trace of peanuts and tree nuts
- Fresh vegetables, prepared with care to avoid any trace of peanuts and tree nuts
- Pretzels
- Crackers
- Popcorn
- Potato chips
- Corn chips
- Cereals
- Wow Butter
- Sunbutter
- Lunch meat
- Cheeses
- Applesauce
- Rice Cakes
- Animal Crackers
- Jerky
- Raisins and other dried fruit
Never Safe at MPA
- Peanuts
- Peanut butter
- Mixed nuts
- Any food containing peanuts
Tree Nuts including ...
- Almonds
- Almond butter
- Almond milk
- Brazil nuts
- Cashews
- Cashew butter
- Cashew milk
- Hazelnuts
- Chocolate hazelnut spread (such as Nutella)
- Lychee
- Macadamias
- Pecans
- Pine nuts
- Pistachios
- Walnuts
- Seven Nut & Seed Butter (such as NuttZo)
- Tamarind
- Any food containing tree nuts
Q: What is prohibited at MPA?
- As a Food Allergy Aware School, Mounds Park Academy prohibits foods with peanuts and tree nuts (walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, pecans, cashews, pistachios, Brazil nuts, pine nuts, lychee, tamarind, and macadamias) listed as ingredients throughout the school and at all school events.
- If a food is “manufactured in a facility” or “processed on the same equipment” it will be allowed in Upper School. However, those food items are prohibited in Lower and Middle School.
Q: How do we know what foods contain peanuts or tree nuts?
The only way to know for certain what contains peanuts or tree nuts is to read the label of the packaging. Always read the entire ingredient list and food label to look for the words “peanut” or “tree nut.” These words may be within the list of the ingredients or they could be listed in a “Contains:” statement beneath the list of ingredients. The FDA requires that foods containing any of the top eight allergens be clearly labeled as such, in bold, within or at the end of the list of ingredients.
Q: Do I need to read the entire list of ingredients, looking for traces of peanuts or tree nuts disguised as another ingredient?
You do need to read/research the entire list of ingredients as allergens should be bolded within the list or at the end of the list of ingredients. The FDA requires that the allergen is bolded.
Q: May we bring in takeout or food items from a bakery?
Restaurant food that does not contain peanuts or tree nuts and is made in a peanut and tree nut kitchen (examples: Chipotle, Nino's Pizzeria, Sarpino's) is permitted PreK-12. Restaurant food that does not contain peanuts or tree nuts, but is made in a kitchen that does handle peanuts and tree nuts (examples: Panera, McDonalds, Subway, Little Caesars) is allowed in Upper School, but not in Lower and Middle School. Liv Baked Goods and YoYo Donuts are safe. If you locate more, please let us know at
Q: What if something just says "peanut free." Can we assume it is tree nut free?
No. Peanuts and tree nuts are different allergens. A peanut is a legume that grows in the ground. A tree nut is a nut that grows on shrubs or trees including almonds, Brazil nuts, cashews, hazelnuts, macadamias, pecans, pine nuts, pistachios and walnuts.
Q: What if something isn't on the SnackSafely list that MPA provided, but has a label that indicates the product is safe?
If the label says it is safe, it is safe. The SnackSafely list is not comprehensive of all safe foods, however, it is the most reliable list due to its frequent updates. Always consult the label for the most recent information.
Q: What if products that are safe are in combo packs of products that are not safe?
Please refer to the outermost packaging in that case due to the possibility of cross contamination.
Q: Who do I contact with questions?
Please email and we will get back to you promptly! No question is too small!
While we understand that holidays like Valentine's Day can be challenging for families to be Allergy Aware, MPA strives to make it as easy as possible.
In early February, SnackSafely will release a special Valentine's Day edition of the safe snack/treat list. MPA will share that as soon as it becomes available via Panther Post. In the meantime, many options exist on their regular list and can be accessed here:
Mounds Park Academy Allergy Aware Guidelines and Protocol (updated 7/1/24)
Mounds Park Academy is a Food Allergy Aware School that is dedicated to fostering the health, nutrition, and well-being of all students, specifically including those with food allergies, by providing a supportive school community that is as safe as possible. Accordingly, we have adopted a series of school-wide guidelines and protocols to become an even more healthy and safe educational environment.
As a Food Allergy Aware School, Mounds Park Academy prohibits foods with peanut and tree nuts listed as ingredients throughout the school and at all school events. For example, foods such as peanut butter, Nutella, Reeses peanut butter cups, granola bars with peanuts, baked goods made with almond flour, etc. are not permitted.
If a food is “manufactured in a facility” or “processed on the same equipment” it will be allowed in Upper School. However, those food items will be prohibited in Lower and Middle School.
These guidelines and protocols apply to all students, parents, coaches, employees, and visitors.
Peanuts and tree nuts or items that list peanuts or tree nuts as ingredients are prohibited from the following:
- School lunch brought from home for a regular school day or for a field trip (SAGE prepares all of its food peanut and tree nut free).
- Student snacks.
- Class/advisory treats (always limited to special occasions and prior arrangements must be made).
- Food provided for after school events on or off campus (practices, rehearsals, games, etc.).
- Concessions or snacks sold at MPA events.
- Special treats brought to campus (class parties, faculty and staff appreciation days, exam treats, snacks, meetings on campus).
- Bake sales for student-run organizations on campus (baked goods must be prepared in a clean kitchen that is free from peanuts or tree nuts and baked goods must be stored in the division office in a covered container, not in student lockers).
Please note:
- If any of the above scenarios are specific to Lower or Middle School, then items that are “manufactured in a facility” or “processed on the same equipment” would not be allowed.
- This list is not exhaustive of all possible scenarios. When in doubt, please contact
- Almost all varieties of energy and granola bars contain peanuts and/or tree nuts and many cereals do as well. When in doubt, read the label carefully.
- Completely allergy-free classroom learning supplies will continue to be provided to any student with an allergy, in partnership with their parents.
Our intent is to provide a “food allergy aware” environment for students with known food allergies. For anyone living with chronic health conditions requiring special dietary needs such as food allergies, the teaching and fostering of self-management skills is crucial to optimizing health and social normalcy. The overarching principle to our guidelines is to minimize as many risks as possible while realizing that it is impossible to eliminate them all.
Structural supports and protocols, which establish best practices for children with food allergies, will be followed. This includes instruction and education to improve personal food allergy management skills in the confines of a “food allergy aware” school. In addition, the school will develop individual health care plans as warranted.
- Ensure the daily management of food allergies for individual children.
- Identify children with food allergies through the enrollment and re-enrollment process.
- Develop individual plans on an annual basis for managing and reducing risks of food allergic reactions in children through a Food Allergy Action Plan/Individual Health Care Plan.
- Utilize a Lower School Allergy Aware Action Team.
- Assist students to manage their own food allergies.
- Be prepared for food allergy emergencies.
- Continue to train on and utilize communication systems during an emergency.
- Ensure staff are able to access to epinephrine auto-injectors quickly and easily and are aware of the location of stock epinephrine auto-injectors.
- Ensure that the epinephrine auto-injectors are used when needed and that someone immediately contacts emergency medical services.
- Identify the role of each staff member in a food allergy emergency.
- Prepare for food allergy reactions in children without prior history of food allergies.
- Include food allergy protocol in the school’s emergency preparedness plan.
- Hold periodic drills for a food allergy emergency.
- Document the response to a food allergy emergency.
- Train employees on how to manage food allergies and respond to allergy reactions.
- Provide general training on food allergies for all employees.
- Provide in-depth training for the Lower School employees.
- Provide specialized training for the Lower School Allergy Aware Action Team responsible for managing the health of children with food allergies on a daily basis.
- Educate all students and families about food allergies.
- Teach all children about food allergies.
- Teach all parents and families about food allergies.
- Create and maintain an allergy aware and safe educational environment.
- Create an environment that is as safe as possible from exposure to food allergies.
- Utilize food-handling policies and procedures to prevent food allergens from unintentionally contacting other food.
- Make outside groups aware of food allergy guidelines when they use school facilities.
- Promote a positive psychosocial climate that reduces bullying and social isolation and promotes acceptance and understanding of children with food allergies.
Safe PreK-12 Examples
Safe In Upper School Examples
Only food items that do not contain peanuts or tree nuts. These restaruants are not safe in Lower or Middle School.
Best practice is to consult with the restaurant each time you order to make sure that their practices/ingredients have not changed. Visit for a national directory of restaurants that tend to be allergy friendly.
If you locate other establishments that could be added to the list above, please email