The Mounds Park Academy Continuity of Learning Virtual School is designed to ensure learning continues in the event of school closure.

Great teachers make great online teachers. The strengths of our exceptional teachers are, in part, built on their ability to relate to students and create a true classroom community. That also carries over into the online classroom. While our goal is to ensure the continuity of learning, it does not necessarily replicate a traditional school day or schedule. A few notes for your consideration:

  • Virtual learning is certainly authentic but cannot fully replace the vibrant classroom dynamic, the interwoven relationships between teachers and students, and lively interchange that takes place in person.
  • During virtual school, multiple learning pathways can occur online or offline (e.g. reading, exercise, drawing, playing, constructing, writing, etc. are perfectly acceptable virtual school day tasks that can be photographed, videoed, or turned in upon return to school).  
  • Teachers create activities that relate as closely as possible to current class content or skills. The lesson or activity will reinforce existing understanding or introduce new content that will be continued to be covered in class.
  • MPA Virtual School does not rely upon parents to be placed in the role of teacher.  However, there may be adjustments needed as it pertains to the particular developmental level/age of students. Lessons are designed in such a way that students should be able to independently carry out the tasks assigned by teachers, including access to the material. 
  • We recognize that many MPA families have more than one child attending school and that children may have to share a computer in Lower School. We are also aware that bandwidth may be a concern for some.

PreK-12 Virtual School Guidelines

Schoology will be the main site for communication, assignments, and assessments. Other tools may be utilized, many of which students are already familiar with. Online access to materials via our online subscriptions, textbooks, and resources will be communicated via Schoology and our MPA Library website. 

  • Virtual School will begin two days after school officially closes.
  • Lessons and assignments will be posted no later than 8 a.m. on the day(s) of Virtual School.
  • Teachers will be available to students, online, during the regular school day (8:00 am-3:00 pm). Teachers will work at their own discretion, as they typically do, in the hours beyond the regular school day. 
  • If a student or parent has difficulty accessing Schoology pages or online resources, please contact either the teacher or division assistant. 

PreK-Kindergarten Guidelines  

Schoology will be the virtual platform used to communicate work, as well as provide instructions for parents/caregivers to carry out learning tasks with child. Examples may include:  

  • Read a book with your child (not language specific), reflect on the pictorial reflection of story.
  • Learning walk outside—connect classroom theme (unit) to learning walk experience  
  • Physical activities. 
  • Create the opportunity for students to engage in creative play - puppets, collage, puzzles.
  • Limit exposure to TV or device.

Lower School Guidelines  

Schoology will be the virtual platform used to communicate work, as well as, provide instructions for parents/caregivers to carry out learning tasks with child. Examples may include:  

  • Developmentally appropriate lessons and activities will be created that with the understanding that students will be able to independently extend their learning with the direction of the teacher.
  • Students may not be given a lesson for every subject presented every day. Rather, the emphasis will be on making connections between the learning to ensure they are extending essential skills. Over the course of the week, students will be engaged in deep learning in all subjects that would normally be taught.  
  • Students may be presented new material via a “flipped” video lesson or reading; in this case, teachers will engage students in the reflection, assessment, and review of the material.  

Middle School Expectations

Schoology will be the primary virtual platform used to communicate all news, assignments, assessments, and projects. Students may access Schoology as well as Office 365 from any computer using their school log-in IDs and passwords.

  • Lessons and activities will be created for classes with the understanding that students will be able to independently extend their learning with the guidance of the teacher.
  • Students may be presented new material via a “flipped” video lesson or reading; in this case, teachers will engage students in the reflection, assessment, and review of the material digitally via Schoology.  Discussion strands that are interactive are great opportunities for exchange.  
  • Assignments and tasks will be given on the day that the students would normally have the class (I.e. A-Day/B-Day). All assignments given by the teacher will include all lesson components, including but not limited to, interactive requirements, responses, lectures, videos, and assessments. Due dates will also be given and students should be prepared to attend to those, just as they do during their typical school day.

Upper School Expectations  

Schoology will be the primary virtual platform used to communicate all news, assignments, assessments, and projects.  

  • Lessons and activities will be created that with the understanding that students will be able to independently extend their learning with the guidance of their teacher.
  • Students may be presented new material via a “flipped” video lesson or reading; in this case, teachers will engage students in the reflection, assessment, and review of the material.  
  • According to our block schedule, virtual “class” will occur and assignments and tasks will be given on the day that the students would normally have the class (I.e. A-Day/B-Day). 


Last Updated: March 6, 2020