Panther Club (PreK – Grade 4) and Panther Den (Grade 5-8)

Childcare is offered before and after school, on most school vacation days during the school year, which are not legal holidays, and during summer break. Guidelines for Extended Day usage varies by the age of the student (see below).   Extended Day registration for care on school days is not required in advance and is done on a drop-in basis. Pre-registration is required for vacation days and over summer break.  Advance pre-registration flyers will be sent home with students two week prior to the non-school day. 

If a Lower or Middle School student has an Upper School sibling who is after school for an extracurricular activity, the Upper School student MAY NOT supervise the Lower or Middle School student. That student must be in the Panther Club program.

Panther Club for PreKindergarten:

PreKindergarten Panther Club is a DHS licensed, safe and nurturing before and after school program in which children are allowed choices in play areas, arts and crafts, as well as large muscle activities and games. The cost for care starting at 7:30 AM and ending at 5:30 PM is included in the cost of tuition.  The PreKindergarten Panther Club attendance roster is generated each day. Parents inform their child’s teacher daily about their child’s attendance at PreKindergarten Panther Club. This helps us make sure we are staffed to remain in 1 to 10 ratio at all times.  Parents must sign out their child at the end of their PreKindergarten Panther Club stay.  

Panther Club for Kindergarten through Grade 4:

Students in grades K-8 may arrive by 7 a.m. on school days and report to the Panther Club where they are supervised until school starts.  After school care is offered until 6 p.m.  The program includes snack, outdoor play, arts and crafts, games, and study time. Vacation day programs include field trips, lunch, and snacks. Parents must sign out their child at the end of their Panther Club stay.

Panther Den for Grades 5 and 8:

Panther Den meets after school starting at 3:20PM and is open until 6:00PM.  All 5th - 8th grade students still in the building at 3:20 PM without faculty supervision must sign in to Panther Den. This includes students who are enrolled in after school activities that do not start until after 3:20 PM.  Panther Den is also open on most days school is closed. The program includes snack, outdoor play, arts and crafts, games, and study time. Vacation day programs include field trips, lunch, and snacks. Students in 5th through 8th grade may sign themselves out provided their ride is on campus. Parents can communicate their arrival by calling the Middle School Panther Den directly at 651-748-5446 or by texting their child on their own personal device (the only purpose for which these devices will be allowed).

Late fees of $1.00/minute apply after 5:30 for PreKindergarten Panther and 6:00PM for Panther Club and Panther Den.  

Last Updated: August 22, 2019