Middle School

All Middle School students go outside for recess for 25 minutes each day, weather permitting. Students have the option of using the library during this time on a rotating basis, and may also participate in Student Council and other pre-approved clubs and activities on designated days. Students should plan to dress appropriately for varying weather conditions. While physical activity is encouraged, contact sports, roughhousing, and tackling is prohibited. No snowballs. Students may ride on a skateboard or ripstik if they wear a helmet and avoid contact with others.

Middle School students are expected to follow the MPA Community Expectations while at recess:  

  • Be Kind. 

    Demonstrate care, compassion, and appreciation for self and others.  

  • Be Prepared. 

    Bring all the necessary materials to class and a brain ready to learn.  

  • Challenge Yourself. 

    Learning is about taking risks, trying new things, and connecting with others. It’s okay to fail or make mistakes -- we all do!  

  • Language Matters. 

    Choose your words carefully. Use language that is affirming, kind, and supportive to yourself and others. 

  • Celebrate Others.  

    Be inclusive and seek to honor the goodness in all humans.  

Lower School Outdoor Play and Recess

Students are required to participate in outdoor recess unless it is raining or the wind chill reaches 10 degrees below zero (-10). It is important that students dress appropriately for the weather. Boots and snow pants are required for winter. 

Students are welcome to bring playground toys, nerf, wiffle, and rubber balls, jump ropes and sand toys, etc. to school for outdoor play.

Our guidelines for toys that are brought are as follows: 

  1. The item should be marked with the student’s name. 
  2. The student is responsible for the item. 
  3. The student must be willing to share with others. 
  4. No swords, guns, fighting toys, skate or roller blades are allowed.  
  5. No radios, CD players, or electronic games are allowed. 

Lower School playground rules: 

  1. Treat others with respect. 
  2. Physical aggression is not allowed. 
  3. Use appropriate language. 
  4. Play away from the parking lot. 
  5. The amphitheater is for quiet play.  No walking on or jumping off the bricks in the amphitheater. 
  6. Play within the boundaries. (Children are not allowed back by the trees, near the building, or in the courtyard.) 
  7. Use conflict managers to solve conflicts. 

 To stay safe, avoid these behaviors: 

  1. Climbing trees or fences 
  2. Inappropriate use of playground equipment 
  3. Playing with sticks or stones 
  4. Throwing sand, stones or snowballs 
  5. Climbing over the climbing wall

Special guidelines for snow weather:

Boots and snow pants should be worn. No throwing of snow or snowballs. 

Last Updated: August 22, 2019