Students may not eat any food or drink beverages (except water) in the Upper School Commons, halls, or classrooms before, during, or after school. Food is only allowed in the cafeteria or in supervised classes or meetings with the teacher’s permission. Please note the Allergy Aware Policy.  

Middle School

Food is not to be eaten in the halls or classrooms unless part of a special class activity. Students may bring snacks to school, but food should be eaten in the lunchroom unless permission has been granted to do so elsewhere. Students are encouraged to carry a water bottle with them during the school day. 

Lower School Birthdays

Lower School students are allowed a non-uniform day on their birthday.  If a family wishes to bring a birthday treat for their child’s class, the treat cannot be homemade and must follow the allergy aware policy.  Treats must be coordinated with the classroom teacher in advance.   

Parties for groups of children outside of school should be planned in a manner that will avoid hurting the feelings of uninvited students.  Invitations should be distributed in school only if all students in a classroom are included. Please don't pick up groups of students at school for parties, or have your child bring gifts to school for parties. 

Last Updated: August 26, 2019