Each division organizes social events for the student body. Please refer to the Middle and Upper School sections for more information about social events and dances. 

Lower School Dance Policy 

Lower School holds one dance per year for students in PreK – grade 4.  Lower School students must be supervised by an adult when attending the dance.   

Middle School Dances – Grades 7 & 8 

The 7/8 Student Council hosts two dances per year for students in grades 7 and 8. These dances are held on Friday evenings from 7:00-9:00 p.m. The cost is usually $10 for students and food and snacks are provided. Students are expected to conduct themselves in a respectful and appropriate manner. Students must arrive at school by 11:00 a.m. to participate in co-curricular and athletic events and practices, including dances. 

Upper School Social Event and Dance Policy 

The Upper School Student Council, in conjunction with the Upper School administration, organizes social events for the student body. Each of these events has final arrival times after which students will not be admitted. Once students have left an event, they may not return. Dependent on the event, a MPA student may invite one non-MPA guest to the event. For grade 9-12 dances/social events, the guest must be a student in good standing currently enrolled in high school or a graduate of Mounds Park Academy no more than one year removed from graduation. Each MPA host must complete and return a visitor form (available in the Upper School office) for their visitor by 3:00 p.m. of the Friday preceding the school dance. MPA school rules apply for both MPA students and their guests. 

Lower School Halloween Costumes and Parade 

A parade of Grades PreK-4 begins in the PreK classroom and proceeds through the hallways on Halloween day. For safety reasons, children in grades PreK-2 may not wear masks. Students in grades 3-4, being more mature, may wear masks. 

As a Lower School staff, we are all committed to teaching our students a sense of respect, concern, and caring for others. Costumes suggestive of violence, aggression, and disrespect are counterproductive to this message. Please be aware that depicting characters who are violent and aggressive is not acceptable. Also, the carrying of weapon toys such as guns, swords, or knives will not be allowed.

Last Updated: August 26, 2019