The Panther Den program offers students in grades five through eight a fun and safe place to stay before and after school. Panther Den includes time for study and homework, outdoor and indoor play and group games, arts and crafts, a daily snack, and more. Panther Den meets in Panther Center. Panther Den also utilizes many of the school’s facilities, including the gallery, computer lab, playground, and gym.

All Middle School students still in the building at 3:10 PM without faculty supervision must sign in to Panther Den. This includes students who are enrolled in after school activities that do not start until after 3:10 PM. Siblings who wait for an older brother or sister are to be registered in the Panther Den program; an Upper School student may not supervise the younger student.

Sign in/Out from Panther Den

Students in grades five through eight may sign themselves out provided their ride is on campus. Parents can communicate their arrival with a call or text message to the Middle School Panther Den directly at 651-748-5571 or by texting their child on their personal device (the only purpose for which these devices will be allowed).

Panther Den Contact Information

Hours, Rates, Registration, and Payment

Panther Den is available from 3-6 PM for a fee of $13.50 per student per day. There is a late pickup fee of $1 per minute after 6 PM.

Middle School Study Hall has shifted to quiet time during Panther Den. Students who would like to remain on campus after school to complete homework will attend Panther Den. A quiet time for working and studying will be offered as needed and selected for those Middle School students interested. Register for Panther Den in CourseStorm to participate.

After school Panther Den requires registration in CourseStorm to facilitate planning. There is no deadline for joining the program.

Charges are billed at the end of each month through TADS.

Full Day Care will be offered many days when school is closed. Information about these dates will be sent via email or can be found in Panther Den at least two weeks before the date. The fee for a full day of care is $60/day.

For more complete information, please click on the Middle School Panther Den Handbook.