Parents Association Board of Directors
The MPA Parents Association Board manages the MPA Parents Association and consists of the elected officers. More than one member can share any office at any time and serve as co-officers.
Terms of office are one year, though officers may serve more than one consecutive term. It is strongly recommended the president move into the Board of Trustees representative position to provide continuity. It is strongly recommended that vice president(s) move into the president position to provide continuity.
President: The president shall be the chief executive officer of the Parents Association and shall preside at all meetings of the Parents Association and of the MPAPA Board. The president shall appoint, with approval of the MPAPA Board, any and all standing and temporary committees the MPAPA Board deems appropriate. The president shall also perform such other specific responsibilities as may be established by agreement of the Parents Association make sure the Parents Association is represented as needed. The president is the chief executive officer of the Parents Association.
(Time commitment no more than 40 hours/month)
Vice President: The vice president shall assume the duties of the president in his/her absence from duly called meetings of its member or the MPAPA Board and shall perform such other specific responsibilities as may be established by the president or the MPAPA Board. The Vice President of Grade Representatives (time commitment 30-40 hours/month oversees the Grade Representatives which consists of recruiting grade representatives for each class, outlining expectations and Grade Rep responsibilities, as well as providing ongoing support and information throughout the year.
Secretary: The secretary shall distribute agendas and keep minutes of all proceedings of the Parents Association and the MPAPA Board and shall make an accurate and proper record of the same. The secretary shall be responsible for the preparation and distribution of reports of the MPAPA and for other communications to its members (via the MPAPA ecommunications page) and shall perform such other specific responsibilities as may be established by the president or the MPAPA Board.
(Time commitment 2 hours/week)
Treasurer: The treasurer shall be responsible for the supervision of al financial matters (deposit income, pay expenses, pay grant awardees, and determine the Parents Association Annual Fund contribution) of the MPAPA and for preparing a financial report at the end of each school year. The treasurer will analyze the financial impact of various fundraising activities (magazine drive, fall and spring plant sales, recycled treasures), reconcile bank statements, report balance at Parents Association and MPAPA Board meetings, and coordinate the tax return preparation. The treasurer will perform such other specific duties as may be established by the president or the MPAPA Board.
(Time commitment 2 hours/week)
Board of Trustees Representative: The representative to the MPA Board of Trustees shall serve as a full member of that Board, or in the case of co-representatives, shall serve as co-members to the Board of Trustees, sharing one voting seat. The representative shall serve as liaison between the
MPA Board of Trustees and the Parents Association and shall represent the interests of the members of the Parents Association in that capacity.
(Time commitment 6 meetings yearly)
Division Chairs: Each Division Chair shall preside at all PA meetings of their respective divisions. The division chairs shall consult regularly with the Division Directors to ensure that MPAPA activities are aligned with division policies and initiatives. Each division chair shall establish and appoint the members of any and all temporary committees that the MPAPA Board deems appropriate. The Division Chair will perform such other specific duties as may be established by the president of the MPAPA Board.
(Time commitment 4 hours/month)
***Please see spreadsheet and additional materials in Transition Packet for more details or contact a current PA Board member.