Tell Us About Your Selfie
Nicholas Larson
Class of 2023

When did you come to MPA and what was the transition like?
I came to MPA when I was I was in kindergarten and I remember how great Ms. Petersen was because she always made me feel comfortable. I also remember that we were the “sports class” and we had to make cut-outs of ourselves playing our favorite sport for the beginning of the year. I decided to make a cut-out of me playing soccer and that was a great start to my MPA journey.
What is your favorite MPA memory?
I remember in third grade when they first introduced Character Happens At Mounds Park (CHAMP) stickers to Lower School. I really wanted one, so I always went to school on my best behavior and eventually I got one! I remember going to the CHAMP assembly with high hopes and when it was time to announce who got the CHAMP sticker, I might have held my breath, and when they called my name, I was on top of the world. I stood on stage with my CHAMP sticker and the biggest smile ever. Later when I got home, I stuck it on the middle of the fridge and it has been there ever since.
What extracurricular and athletic activities do you participate in and why did you choose them?
I participate in MPA's Soccer Team because it is awesome to play with your friends and to represent our school. I've always loved to play soccer and what better place to play than with your friends at your school? I also participate in MPA's Swim Club and Track and Field Team for the same reasons. For extracurricular activities, I was cast in the last Winter Show, Inherit the Wind. Outside of MPA, I'm in clubs for soccer, swimming, and downhill skiing.
What do you like about your afterschool activities at MPA?
I like that they challenge you physically and allow you to be with your friends, and represent your school. I also like that anybody can be on a team, no matter how good you are. I was on the Baseball Team in fifth grade and I decided I wanted to try Track and Field, even though I had never run track before.
I participate in MPA soccer because it is awesome to play with your friends and to represent our school.
Nicholas Larson
Class of 2023
What’s your favorite spot on campus?
My favorite spot is the Middle School Science Garden because I've had multiple snowball fights out there before school and because my peers and I have worked back there a lot and got it looking pretty good.
What are your hopes after graduation?
To still be playing multiple sports and to go to college.
How do you like to spend your time outside of school?
Playing sports, watching movies, spending time with family, and reading.
What’s a fun fact about you?
I’ve taken a road tripto Florida in a RV.
What is your favorite lunchroom food?
I take my own lunch and my favorite is a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
If you could travel anywhere, where would you go?
I would travel to France because I’ve always wanted to speak French with people who are actually from France.
If you met someone who was unfamiliar with MPA, what would you say about our school?
I would tell them that MPA is a great school with friendly kids, cool teachers, and awesome athletics.