2017-2018 Annual Report

Dear MPA Families, Alumni, and Friends,
It's all because of you. Your support means that Mounds Park Academy can offer new opportunities for our students, a joyful community for all, professional development for our teachers, and an incredible space for everyone to dream big and do right together.
This edition of MPA Now, which includes the 2017–2018 Annual Report, highlights how your investment has strengthened our school, allowing us to launch new initiatives, and enhance our facilities. Your financial gifts and volunteer hours have bolstered the core of Mounds Park Academy for today's students and for the next generation.
It is amazing to witness what can happen when we all come together to support one another. Your generosity is humbling and will have a lasting impact on our students and our school.
With deep gratitude for all you do,
Neelu Boddipalli
MPA Trustee, Development Committee Co-Chair, Parent

MPA Leadership Circle
Mounds Park Academy's Leadership Circle recognizes current families, alumni, parents of alumni, grandparents, and other friends who have made significant gifts in support of the school. This includes, but is not limited to, gifts of $2,500 or above to the MPA Fund, restricted gifts of $2,500 or above in support of new initiatives or programs, or significant in-kind contributions that help offset the school's operational budget.
Thank you to the following donors for your philanthropic leadership and for making a substantial difference in the lives of our students. Your gifts directly impact the quality of the education we are able to provide by ensuring that the best teachers, extra-curricular offerings, extra-curricular programs, and tuition assistance are available to our students. Your leadership transforms the lives of our students and for that, we thank you.
- Leah and Karl Anderson
- Tamra and Richard Anderson
- Steve and Jane Arsenault
- Emily (Spilseth) '91 and Bryce Binstadt
- Neelu and Rama Boddipalli
- Brian and Jennifer Boyle
- Dana Boyle
- Robin and Gregg Brooksbank
- Courtenay '91 and Whitney Brown
- Kofi Bruce and Amy Christensen-Bruce
- Cathryn Camacho '04
- Colleen Casey and Kurt Keogh
- Norb and Mary Ellen Conzemius
- James '97 and Samantha Cordon
- Jenean and Peter Cordon
- Michael Dai and Gail Engstrom
- Zoe and Maxwell Dickson
- Sally Doherty and Karen Weiss
- Dan and Elizabeth Esch
- Nan Etzwiler and Dan O'Neill
- Jonathon Faust and Jessica Flynn
- Elizabeth and David Finch
- Jerry and Karen Francois
- Todd Fruchterman
- Walter and Stefanie Galicich
- James and Joan Gardner
- Jamie and Cindy Gardner
- Rahoul Ghose and Lynne Bardy
- Nilton and Karin Gil
- Sanders and Doreen Gwin
- Richard Hanson '89
- Kevin and Polly Hart
- Chris and Amy Hawley
- Thomas and Laura Hockert
- Wayne and Dianne Hoeschen
- Scott and Jennifer Holloway
- Ron Hook
- William Hudson and Ross Olson
- Peter Jacobs and Carol Hatcher
- Douglas and Kimberly Jakway
- Chris and Jeanine Jesmer
- Norman Jones and Sandra Schreur Jones
- Robert King
- Lesley Kroupa '97 and Chris Kearns
- Paul Lafferty and Tara Matthews Lafferty
- Tom and Karen Lansing
- Alan and Sandy Law
- John and Jeana Lee
- Randy and Jenny Lindrud
- Dan and Heidi McKeown
- Michael and Susan Mercer
- Timothy and Michelle Mick
- Jeffrey and Jacqueline Mudge
- Karla and Peter Myers
- Ford and Catherine Nicholson
- Rob and Mary Nicoski
- Michael and Pam Nightingale
- Douglas A. Olson and Charlene E. McEvoy
- Brent and Melissa Peacock
- Jim Poradek and Katharine Gotham
- Andrew and Karen Portis
- Anudeep Rahil and Timinder Biring
- Kevin Rhodes and Melinda Lopes
- Timothy and Melinda Samsel
- Susan and Bill Sands
- Tim and Mary Scanlan
- Joseph and Christi Schmitt
- Gary and Suzanne Schwartz
- Dan and Emily Shapiro
- Sanjay and Anju Syal
- Tobi Tanzer and Rene Tragatsch
- Norm Troullier and Christine Stanson
- Frank and Judy Tschida
- Michael and Lisa Vale
- Arturo and Daniella Valverde
- Judith A. Wood
- Pat and Jill Wyant
- Bernie and Evie Zeruhn

MPA Legacy Society
The MPA Legacy Society honors those families and individuals who have made provisions for Mounds Park Academy in their estate plans. Your generosity will provide for the school's future, ensuring that generations to come benefit from MPA's innovative, supportive, and rigorous learning environment. Regardless of the size of your gift, your legacy contribution will have a lasting impact on promising young students. Thank you for your commitment to sustaining MPA's legacy and for having the foresight to ensure a bright future for our students.
- Karen and George Benz
- Dana Boyle
- Fosten and Beverly Boyle*
- Jim Caspers and Cory Pope
- Jenean and Peter Cordon
- Nan Etzwiler and Dan O’Neill
- Robert* and Suzanne Flotten
- James and Cindy Gardner
- James and Joan Gardner
- Lance ’93 and Betsy (Brewer) ’95 Harris
- Scott and Jennifer Holloway
- William Hudson and Ross Olson
- Robert Kreischer
- David and Susanna Meyer
- Peter and Karla Myers
- Jerry and Gail Neren
- Ford and Catherine Nicholson
- Richard and Nancy Nicholson
- Jesse Okie and Mary Harrington
- Christopher ’95 and Danielle Parish
- Brent and Melissa Peacock
- Wade Peterson ’87
- Chris and Dwight Porter
- Susan and Bill Sands
- Mary Ann Smith*
- Sandy Kreischer Smith
- Glen Taylor
- Camille and Louis Wainwright
- Donald and Esther Williams
MPA Alumni Giving
Thank you to the following alumni for their generous donations. Without you, Mounds Park Academy programs would not be possible and countless students would miss out on the MPA experience. Your contributions affirm the hard work and dedication of our exceptional faculty and staff. Join us as we highlight our youngest alums for their involvement and generosity! Any graduate of the last decade who contributes $25 or more is recognized for their support of MPA with a GOLD Society membership and a star beside their name. Thank you, alumni!
- Stephanie Aanenson '11
- Amanda Abdo Sheahan '92 and Bill Sheahan
- Dina Abdul-Rahman Israel '95 and Jeff Israel
- Jill Abramson '91 and Jonathan Malamy
- Kathryn Andersen '09
- Michael Anderson '06
- Katherine Andrews '09
- Katherine Andrews '09
- Jodi Ayres '91
- Asha Bandal '00
- Matthew Bander '11
- Nate Bander '09
- Larkin Barker '02
- Leland Barker '06
- Cathleen Bartholic '06
- Eric Baudry '10
- Julie Baum '91
- Elin Beck '08
- Sonja Beddow '03
- Nicole Berc Seiffert '94
- Karl Berget '07
- Emily (Spilseth) '91 and Bryce Binstadt
- Alexandra Bolduan '05
- Brendan Boyle '14
- Stephanie Boyum '00
- Elaine Bransford '97 and Nikola Govich
- Erica (Utgaard) '96 and Matt Brewinski
- Charles Brower '09
- Courtenay '91 and Whitney Brown
- Sam '94 and Karen Brown
- Andrew '93 and Margaret Burke
- Spencer Butts '99
- Brendan Byrne '06
- Annika Callaghan '05
- Cathryn Camacho '04
- Meredith Cavin Falion '06
- John Chilgren '06
- Ellen Colton '15
- James '97 and Samantha Cordon
- Kethan Dahlberg '14
- Kian Dahlberg '16
- Juliet Dana '05
- Jeremy Drucker '97
- Abigail (Kline) '98 and Alex Duffine
- Jennifer Ebrahimi '94
- Eliza Edwards '14
- Louise Edwards '12
- Hannah Eller-Isaacs '06
- Ann Entwistle '02
- Rebecca Eyerly '06
- Allan '93 and Trine Flinn
- Robert Fox '00
- Nicholas Gardner '14
- Karli Gasteazoro '03
- Timothy Gaughan '11
- Molly Gherty '02
- Shannon Gherty Anderson '00 and Brad Anderson
- Melissa Goldberg '07
- Kristi (Wood) '89 and Jeremy Green
- Violet Haas '17
- Amy (Kemper) Haase '90 and Dan Haase
- Nina Hagen '11
- Clare Halloran '03 and Timothy Sheehan
- Mary Hanson '87
- Richard Hanson '89
- Margaret Harper '11
- Jenelle (Charbonneau) Hastings '98
- Suzanne Haynes '94
- Andrea Heil '10
- Nicholas Henry '93 and Emily Cobb Henry
- Olivia (Lansing) '06 and ror Herrick
- Michelle Hesterberg '07
- Alexandra Hiniker '05
- Thomas Holton '11
- Thomas Hooven '97 and Christina Graves
- Kristian Horvei '00
- Dalia Istephanous '12
- Benjamin Jacobson '94
- Kate Johnston '98
- Daniel '86 and Lauren Kaplan
- Rachel (Gates) '02 and Ravi Katkar
- Lauren (Sperry) '00 and Steve Kavan
- Peter Kieselbach '06
- Ross Kigner '08
- Kimberley Kirby '06
- Anna Kirlin '02
- Lesley Kroupa '97 and Christopher Kearns
- Amy (Effenberger) '01 and Nathan Kuchta
- Natalie Lansing '09
- Noel Larson '98 and Robert Longden
- Soren Larson '07
- Stacey '99 and Michael Lauer Dores
- Kelsey (Ober) '05 and John LaValle
- Alisa Lein '96
- Avalon Levey '11
- Brian Lichtor '13
- Lukas Lindgren '17
- Christopher Lindrud '16
- Sheri (Boerbon) '86 and Thomas Lyons
- Isaac Marshall '11
- Mary Martin '99
- Kelly Martineau '04
- Colleen McCarthy '94
- Kevin McQuade '07
- Joshua Meltzer '09
- Marian Messing '07
- Cameron Meyer-Mueller '13
- Matthew Miller '09
- George Mills '04 and Barclay Woodbury
- Cameron Montour '07
- Satchel Moore '04
- Ellyn (Scibora) '91 and Chris Mortimer
- James Mulholland '02
- Laura Myers '11
- Catherine Nicholson '12
- Laura Nicholson '14
- Pondie Nicholson Taylor '02 and Mark Taylor
- Sarah O'Connor '87 and Patrick Jackson
- Emily Osman Bruflodt '06
- Jeffrey Pabarcus '05
- Christopher '95 and Danielle Parish
- Heather Parish '92
- Wade Peterson '87
- Sarah Purgett '11
- Emily Rhodes '15
- Kathryn Roach '11
- Meg Rose '89
- Vance Ryan '08
- Erik Sand '03
- Erica Savage '01
- Callan Schackor '13
- Laurel Schwartz '11
- Paul Shapiro '05
- Katie Sinaikin '97
- Maria Snider '06
- Suzanne Sotelo '89
- Tupper Spring '90 and Paolo Benzan
- Emma Stacy '15
- Greta Stacy '11
- Katherine Steffes Dean '97 and Matthew Dean
- Craig Stenson '91
- Ann Stewart '11
- Alison Suzukamo '09
- Kathleen Thrane '16
- Conor '99 and Amy Toohey
- Michaela Toohey '96 and Philip Wahlberg
- Sofia Troullier '17
- Hannah Turpin '07
- Benjamin Ullery '00
- Christopher Utgaard '92
- Michael Velin '06 and Ashley Cooper
- Todd Wandell '95
- Stacey Wardell '93 and Adam Rice
- Shay Weinblatt '97
- James West '94
- Karen West '06
- Timothy '87 and Rachael White
- Michael Wilke '16
- Garseng Wong '11
- Jessica Wong '05
- Ryan Wood '96
- Debora Yones '89
MPA Fund
Mounds Park Academy appreciates every gift to the MPA Fund. Unrestricted contributions at all levels make it possible for MPA to enhance our programs and facilities, compensate deserving teachers, offer tuition assistance, and so much more. Without the philanthropic support of our donors, the MPA experience would not be possible. In an effort to recognize those who contribute to the MPA Fund, we have established giving levels. Every gift counts in all amounts! Your participation makes a difference.
- Brian and Jennifer Boyle
- Boyle Family Foundation
- The King Family Foundation
BENEFACTOR • $10,000–24,999
- Robin and Gregg Brooksbank
- James and Cindy Gardner
- Robert King
- Tom and Karen Lansing
- Daniel and Heidi McKeown
- Brent and Melissa Peacock
- Frank and Judy Tschida
Bernie and Evie Zeruhn
AMBASSADOR • $5,000–9,999
- Leah and Karl Anderson
- Steve and Jane Arsenault
- Colleen Casey and Kurt Keogh
- James '97 and Samantha Cordon
- Nan Etzwiler and Dan O'Neill
- Todd Fruchterman
- Kevin and Polly Hart
- Scott and Jennifer Holloway
- Paul Lafferty and Tara Matthews Lafferty
- Alan and Sandy Law
- Randy and Jenny Lindrud
- Karla and Peter Myers
- Nicholson Family Foundation - Ford and Catherine Nicholson
- Rob and Mary Nicoski
- Tim and Mary Scanlan
- Norm Troullier and Christine Stanson
LEADER • $2,500–4,999
- Tamra and Richard Anderson
- Associated Eye Care
- Emily (Spilseth) '91 and Bryce Binstadt
- Dana Boyle
- Bremer Bank
- Courtenay '91 and Whitney Brown
- Kofi Bruce and Amy Christensen-Bruce
- Cathryn Camacho '04
- Norb and Mary Ellen Conzemius
- Jenean and Peter Cordon
- Michael Dai and Gail Engstrom
- Dellwood Foundation, Inc.
- Sally Doherty and Karen Weiss
- Dan and Elizabeth Esch
- Jonathon Faust and Jessica Flynn
- Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
- Elizabeth and David Finch
- Walter and Stefanie Galicich
- James and Joan Gardner
- General Mills Foundation
- Nilton and Karin Gil
- Goldman Sachs Match Gift Program
- Sanders and Doreen Gwin
- Richard Hanson '89
- Chris and Amy Hawley
- Thomas and Laura Hockert
- Wayne and Dianne Hoeschen
- William Hudson and Ross Olson
- Peter Jacobs and Carol Hatcher
- Douglas and Kimberly Jakway
- Chris and Jeanine Jesmer
- Norman Jones and Sandra Schreur Jones
- Medtronic Foundation
- Michael and Susan Mercer
- Douglas A. Olson and Charlene E. McEvoy
- Jim Poradek and Katharine Gotham
- Anudeep Rahil and Timinder Biring
- Kevin Rhodes and Melinda Lopes
- Timothy and Melinda Samsel
- Joseph and Christi Schmitt
- Gary and Suzanne Schwartz
- Dan and Emily Shapiro
- Sanjay and Anju Syal
- Tobi Tanzer and Rene Tragatsch
- Arturo and Daniella Valverde
- Judith A. Wood
BUILDER • $1K–2,499
- Anonymous
- Alice O'Brien Foundation
- Ryan Baldwin and Heidi Nelson
- John and Ruth Bergerson
- Amit and Ankita Bhalla
- Neelu and Rama Boddipalli
- Michael and Kathy Bourne
- Virgil and Bonnie Brenny
- Andrew Brosi and Turi Svennevig-Brosi
- Thomas and Nancee Bruggeman
- Huck and Chrissie Cammack
- John and Gretchen Corkrean
- Zoe and Maxwell Dickson
- Disciplined Growth Investors, Inc.
- Don Dolan
- Les and Meredith Forgosh
- Jerry and Karen Francois
- Jennifer Gatti and Michael Hanson
- Rahoul Ghose and Lynne Bardy
- David and Laurel Gunderson
- Alfred and Ingrid Harrison
- Allan and Lois Hietala
- Ellen Higgins and John Brower
- Jeffrey Hill and Diane Ogren
- Mark and Andrea Honda
- Gary and Dawn Jurkovich
- Harvey and Suzanne Kaplan
- Eric Korbach and Beth Eckhardt
- Land O' Lakes, Inc. Foundation
- Ilse and Todd Larsen
- Matt and Jennifer MacDonald
- Deane Manolis
- Tracy McGrorty
- Cynthia Meyer
- Timothy and Michelle Mick
- Microsoft Matching Gifts Program
- The Minneapolis Foundation
- Mrs. John H. Myers
- Prashant Nayak and Seema Anwar
- Michael and Pam Nightingale
- North Metro Dermatology
- Ben and Rita Olk
- Christopher '95 and Danielle Parish
- Heather Parish '92
- Kristine Petersen
- Piper Jaffray Employee Giving Program
- Frank and Tamara Robertson
- Jim and Audrey Schwieger
- Tiffany Scott Knox and Clarence Knox
- Securian Foundation
- Mark and Judith Segal
- Renee and David Sonka
- Stacey Stewart and Liz Lane
- Thomas and Bonnie Strand
- Bob and Grizelda Taylor
- Michael and Lisa Vale
- Mary B. Vergin
- Renee and David Wright
- James Ziegler and Susan Knapp
- Jordan and Christi Zweig
ADVOCATE • $500–999
- Beth Averbeck and Gary Schwochau
- Bartholic Family Foundation
- Esther Bartholic
- Linda Bjornberg
- Erica (Utgaard) '96 and Matt Brewinski
- Jim Caspers and Cory Pope
- Community Life Resources LLC
- Dennis Davidson and Stéphanie Bernatchez
- Amos Deinard and Yukiko Miyokawa
- Anne and Randy DeVout Atchison
- Craig and Andrea Dodson
- Jeremy Drucker '97
- Abigail (Kline) '98 and Alex Duffine
- Daniel Ethier
- Thomas and Mary FitzGerald
- Nick and Ingrid Gangestad
- Daniel and Kristin Gasteazoro
- Kevin and Linda Goodno
- Joe and Shari Hammer
- Josh and Trish Hanson
- Steve Hanson and Susan Cary-Hanson
- John and Catherine Harvanko
- Vladimir and Silvia Hugec
- Ross and Janet Kimmerle
- Lamont and Rebecca Koerner
- Maurice Kuypers and Denise Rutherford
- Deborah LaChapelle
- Robert and Milly Lalo
- Matthew and Christine Larson
- John and Jeana Lee
- Sheri (Boerbon) '86 and Thomas Lyons
- Ven and Denise Manda
- George and Anastasia Mastrogiorgis
- Janell Matz and Shannon O'Keefe
- Robert and Mary Messner
- William Platz and Todd Savage
- Chris and Dwight Porter
- Premier Banks
- Steven and Anne Quam
- Jeff and Mary Sanders
- Daniel and Marie Steinberger
- Tom and Diana Strobel
- Stephen and Angeline Tan
- Ellen and Rusty Turpin
- Sharon Utgaard
- Mike and Stephanie Vergin
- Tohr Vorvick and Sarah Bellefuil
- Gina Wallraff
- Wells Fargo Foundation - Educational Matching Gift Program
- Robert Wentink and Jacqui Ganser
- Jessica Wong '05
- William and Elizabeth Zimmermann
PROVIDER • $250–499
- AmazonSmile Foundation
- Jane and Mark Anderson
- Avago Technologies
- Carolyn Bates
- Karl Berget '07
- Brad and Angela Bliese
- Mel and Sue Blowers
- Brendan Boyle '14
- Dan Bruggeman and Mary Rothchild
- Anthony Collins and Bridget Fitzgerald
- Randy Comfort and Lisa Fisher-Comfort
- Andrew and Wendy Cusick
- Ian del Rio Albrechtsen and Beatriz Chavez Rodriguez
- Carolina and Jose Del Solar
- James Densley and Emily Faber-Densley
- Rebecca Erdahl
- Mari Espeland and Ken Dahlberg
- Shirley Espeland
- Mario Espinosa and Olga
- Espinosa-Splichalova
- Michael and Charlotte Ferlic
- Kathleen Finnegan Lamey
- Laurie and Robert Foss
- Robert Fox '00
- Gary and Ellen Galbavy
- Tom and Caroline George
- Great American Opportunities
- Matthew and Brenda Haak
- John Halloran and Dianne Wright
- Jason and Kris Helgeson
- Gwynn Hietala-Carver
- Ferry Khouw and Helen Hindrawati
- Kimberley Kirby '06
- Kari and Jeffrey Kunze-Hoeg
- John Lamey III
- Dan and Sarah Lantz
- Kenneth and June Lash
- Jianye Lin and Yubei Hu
- Barry Madore and Kirstin Scanlan Madore
- Matt and Stephanie Magers
- Isaac Marshall '11
- Kelly Martineau '04
- Heather and Chad Mastel
- Michele Maturen
- Zachary and Julie McLean
- Matthew Miller '09
- George Mills '04 and Barclay Woodbury
- Sara Mohn and William Schultz
- John and Zindy Mooney
- Satchel Moore '04
- James Mulholland '02
- Kevin Nepsund and Karen Ta
- Catherine Nicholson '12
- Laura Nicholson '14
- Wendy and Michael Odeen
- Chris and Heidi Parton
- Andy and Dawn Paulson
- Josh Reimnitz
- Scott and Sally Richie
- Meg Rose '89
- Erik Sand '03
- Alexander and Susanne Schmitz
- Lawrence Schultz
- Jason and Elizabeth Schwalen
- Marvin and Stefanie Segal
- Brent Sill and Erica Huppert
- Garry and Linda Sill
- Steve and Christine Snider
- Srinivas Somayajula and Sailaja Chandrapati
- Anthony and Carolyn Stanson
- Katherine Steffes Dean '97 and
- Matthew Dean
- Alison Suzukamo '09
- Patti and Kent Swette-Osman
- Target Corporation
- Mitch Thomsen and Sue Moses
- Michael Tierney
- Conor '99 and Amy Toohey
- UnitedHealth Group Employee Giving Campaign
- Todd Wandell '95
- Natalie Waters Seum and Bradley Seum
- Gavin Wilkinson and Karlyn Peterson
- Mikki Williams and Alan Troske
- Daniel and Genevieve Winga
- Ryan Wood '96
- YourCause for Boston Scientific
- Jerry Yu and Tanya Liang
- Michael Zajac and Megan Kavanagh
DONOR • $1—249
- Stephanie Aanenson '11
- Leah Abbe Bloem and Michael Bloem
- Amanda Abdo Sheahan '92 and
- Bill Sheahan
- Dina Abdul-Rahman Israel '95 and
- Jeff Israel
- Jill Abramson '91 and Jonathan Malamy
- Abdikafar Aden and Hawo Hersi
- Jonathan and Patricia Akers
- Beatrice Alvarez
- Kathryn Andersen '09
- Michael Anderson '06
- Katherine Andrews '09
- Abe and Kristen Appert
- Chloe Appert '22
- Gabrielle Appert '26
- Jessica Appert
- Apple Inc.
- Bob and Julie Averbeck
- Doug and Jennifer Baldwin
- Asha Bandal '00
- Matthew Bander '11
- Michael Bander
- Nate Bander '09
- Larkin Barker '02
- Leland Barker '06
- Cathleen Bartholic '06
- Eric Baudry '10
- Julie Baum '91
- Elin Beck '08
- Michael and Ruth Becker
- Caitlin Becks
- Sonja Beddow '03
- Mary and Bryan Beggin
- Nicole Berc Seiffert '94
- Allan and Jan Bergman
- Daniel Bernal
- David and Chari Binstadt
- Cherylann Bleeke
- Jessica Blue and Jon Bergh
- Blue Cross Blue Shield
- Alexandra Bolduan '05
- Mary Bos
- Remy and Avis Bourne
- Jane Boyer
- Norlin and Carole Boyum
- Stephanie Boyum '00
- Dylan Brodeur
- Tom and Heather Broneak
- Charles Brower '09
- Cheryl Brown
- Julie Brown and Jones Adkins
- Sam '94 and Karen Brown
- Lisa Buck
- Andrew '93 and Margaret Burke
- Brendan Byrne '06
- Annika Callaghan '05
- Gaylene Camacho
- Amanda Cammack
- Amanda Campbell
- Cargill Corporation
- Makai and Jolene Catudio
- Meredith Cavin Falion '06
- John Chilgren '06
- Dr. Karl Chun and Ms. Jane Neumann
- Ellen Colton '15
- Peter and Laura Colton
- Thomas Connors
- Robert and Deborah Cran
- Kethan Dahlberg '14
- Kian Dahlberg '16
- Marina Dale and Brian Harms
- Jennifer Daly
- Juliet Dana '05
- Richard and Nancy Dana
- Anna Davis
- Amos and Sue Deinard
- Roger DeKam and Kathy Smith
- Elizabeth and Bill DesLauriers
- Beverly and James Docherty
- Nicholas Eagon
- Jennifer Ebrahimi '94
- Ecolab Foundation
- Eliza Edwards '14
- Larry Edwards and Missy McDonald
- Louise Edwards '12
- Don and Pat Effenberger
- Jake and Laura Eibon
- Jean Eibon
- Hannah Eller-Isaacs '06
- Ann Entwistle '02
- Markus and Sandra Erben
- Rebecca Eyerly '06
- Allan '93 and Trine Flinn
- Marilyn Fritz Shardlow and John Shardlow
- Nicholas Gardner '14
- Karli Gasteazoro '03
- Michael Gaudio and Kerry Morgan
- Timothy Gaughan '11
- Angela and Matthew Gerstner
- Charlie and Ellen Gerstner
- Molly Gherty '02
- Shannon Gherty Anderson '00 and
- Brad Anderson
- Andy and Cynthia Gilbert
- Marisue Gleason
- Cheryl Godbout Bandal
- Ashley and Matt Goetzke
- Melissa Goldberg '07
- Jon and Carla Grabanski
- Lucia Gray
- Nansee and James Greeley
- Kristi (Wood) '89 and Jeremy Green
- Ann Frances Gregg and Lucas Gerstner
- Peg Guilfoyle and John Baillie
- Chris and Monica Haas
- Violet Haas '17
- Amy (Kemper) Haase '90 and Dan Haase
- John Habermann
- Erik and Jana Hagen
- Kevin Hagen
- Nina Hagen '11
- Clare Halloran '03 and Timothy Sheehan
- Mary Hanson '87
- Margaret Harper '11
- Jon Harris and Genevieve Utley
- Thomas Haskett and Patricia
- McJames Haskett
- Jenelle (Charbonneau) Hastings '98
- Nancy Hauschild
- Suzanne Haynes '94
- Andrea Heil '10
- Nicholas Henry '93 and Emily Cobb Henry
- Jose and Stacy Hernandez
- Lauren Hernandez
- Olivia (Lansing) '06 and Bror Herrick
- David Hest and Catherine Lexau
- Michelle Hesterberg '07
- Thomas Holton '11
- Thomas Hooven '97 and Christina Graves
- Barbara Horlbeck
- Kristian Horvei '00
- Kelly Humphrey
- Carey and Warner Ide
- Nadine Ide
- Dalia Istephanous '12
- Benjamin Jacobson '94
- Beth Janke and Betsy Furman
- Evelyn and Steve Johnson
- Kate Johnston '98
- Daniel '86 and Lauren Kaplan
- Rachel (Gates) '02 and Ravi Katkar
- Lauren (Sperry) '00 and Steve Kavan
- Mark Kenney
- Peter Kieselbach '06
- Thomas Kieselbach and Anna Davies
- Ross Kigner '08
- Yamini and Carl Kimmerle
- Anna King
- Anna Kirlin '02
- Ariel and Andy Kitch
- Nicole and Aaron Koen
- Douglas and Jane Koons
- Julie Koster
- Michael Koza
- Robyn and Jeffrey Kramer
- Mike and Martha Krikava
- Jim and Amy Krohn
- Lesley Kroupa '97 and Christopher Kearns
- Amy (Effenberger) '01 and Nathan Kuchta
- The Kula Foundation
- David and Barbara Lader
- Nancy Lage
- Robin Lalor and Steve Schaffel
- Natalie Lansing '09
- Noel Larson '98 and Robert Longden
- Soren Larson '07
- Stacey '99 and Michael Lauer Dores
- Kelsey (Ober) '05 and John LaValle
- Ger Lee
- Alisa Lein '96
- Avalon Levey '11
- Kenneth and Elizabeth Lewen
- Peter and Diane Ley
- Brian Lichtor '13
- David and Terryl Liebgott
- Lukas Lindgren '17
- Christopher Lindrud '16
- Dr. and Mrs. Russell Luepker
- Carole Lynne
- Bill Madigan
- Bob and Ruth Madore
- Tasslyn and Dan Magnusson
- Philip and Larisa Manger
- David and Belinda Manolis
- Mary Martin '99
- Tom Masuda
- Colleen McCarthy '94
- Dave and Chris McGaha
- Pat McLees
- Kevin McQuade '07
- Medtronic
- Joshua Meltzer '09
- Patricia Meras
- Marian Messing '07
- Cameron Meyer-Mueller '13
- Michael Milinovich
- John Miller
- George and Rita Mills

Jacquie, myself, and our family are blessed to be a part of the MPA community and are really grateful and humbled by the experience.
Jeff Mudge
Meet Jeff and Jacquie Mudge
Jeff and Jacquie came to Mounds Park Academy in 2003 after their daughter Emily, class of 2016, was invited to an art camp on campus. At the end of the camp, the family began the admission process and fell in love with the school, especially the faculty and staff. "Teachers are very involved, interested, and communicative. Everyone is always there for you," says Jeff.
As their son Travis, class of 2018, has gone on to college, Jacquie said, "I have valued the well-rounded education that MPA has provided for our children that prepares them for the next steps in their life."
As Leadership Circle members and avid volunteers, they advise MPA current and prospective families to "lead with your heart" when looking to get involved. Jeff and Jacquie value the education their children received, the diversity of the community, the acceptance of others, and the strong and active leadership of the school. "We give back because it is benefiting an organization that we truly believe in."
- Cameron Montour '07
- Ellyn (Scibora) '91 and Chris Mortimer
- Lisa Mueller
- Garrett Mulrooney and Anissa Mediger
- Katie and Dan Murr
- Stephen Muscanto and Diane Greenwood
- Katherine Myers
- Laura Myers '11
- Courtney Nagle and Scott Burnett
- Pondie Nicholson Taylor '02 and
- Mark Taylor
- Jay Noland and Kimberly Strand
- Sarah O'Connor '87 and Patrick Jackson
- Kari and Michael O'Keefe
- Steve Olson and Diane Gobran
- Pam Omersa
- Patrick Opatz and Stephanie Hawkinson
- Emily Osman Bruflodt '06
- Jeffrey Pabarcus '05
- Lisa and Craig Pederson
- Philip Petermann
- Chris Peterson
- Dianne Peterson
- Garry and Mary Ann Peterson
- Paul and Kathi Peterson
- Wade Peterson '87
- Kristeen Petrich
- Doug and Janice Pittman
- Sarah Plumb
- Blair Pogue and Dwight Zscheile
- Andrew and Karen Portis
- Steve and Caroline Portoghese
- Jessica Powell
- Russ Purdy and Amy Schneider Purdy
- John and Kelsi Rahm
- Sunderraju Ramachandran and
- Asha Siddappa
- Sue Rengstorf
- Emily Rhodes '15
- Trudy Richter
- Kathryn Roach '11
- Susan Robertson
- Karen Rossbach
- Vance Ryan '08
- Urbano and Beatriz Santiago
- Erica Savage '01
- Anne and John Scalia
- Callan Schackor '13
- John Schneider
- Laurel Schwartz '11
- Jennifer and Jim Schwieger
- Mike and Barb Scinto
- Rollie and Muriel Seltz
- Marc and Kathy Shapiro
- Paul Shapiro '05
- Benjamin Silberglitt and Amy Treeful
- Thomas and Caroline Simonson
- Katie Sinaikin '97
- Sandy K. Smith and Gregory Giesen
- Maria Snider '06
- Paul and Claire Spilseth
- Tupper Spring '90 and Paolo Benzan
- Jay and Joni Springer
- LaTasha and Henri St. Arnault
- DeeDee and Jess Stacy
- Emma Stacy '15
- Greta Stacy '11
- Shelley Steingraeber
- Elaine Steinman
- Emily Stevens
- Ann Stewart '11
- Renette and Scott Stinson
- Shane and Suzanne Strack
- Hannah Sullivan and David Thompson
- Wendy and Peter Sullivan
- Becky Tesdahl
- Sam Thao and Mee Vang
- Bob and Juliann Thavis
- Kathleen Thrane '16
- Colleen Tierney
- Michaela Toohey '96 and Philip Wahlberg
- Sofia Troullier '17
- Hannah Turpin '07
- Benjamin Ullery '00
- Mani and Harini Upadhyaya
- Christopher Utgaard '92
- Stephen Vacca and Judith Hennen
- John and Betsy Van Hecke
- Michael Velin '06 and Ashley Cooper
- Renae Wantock
- John and Jane Wardell
- Stacey Wardell '93 and Adam Rice
- Shay Weinblatt '97
- James West '94
- Karen West '06
- Timothy '87 and Rachael White
- Rose Wick
- Karen Widerski
- Michael Wilke '16
- Nancy Wilson
- Scott Wilson
- Garseng Wong '11
- Jim Wright and Jeanne Danaher
- Kao Kalia Yang
- Debora Yones '89
- Dawn and Peter Zimmerman
Restricted Giving
Thank you so much to the following donors for giving to programs and other capital projects. Your gifts allow us to make special enhancements to our school and programs and, most importantly, positively elevate the overall MPA experience for our students. Thank you for your foresight and contributions.
$25,000 AND UP
- Susan and Bill Sands
- Sally Doherty and Karen Weiss
- Dan and Heidi McKeown
- Michael and Lisa Vale
- Colleen Casey and Kurt Keogh
- Charles and Ellora Alliss Educational Foundation
- Ron Hook
- Lesley Kroupa '97 and Christopher Kearns
- MPA Parents Association
- Neelu and Rama Boddipalli
- Chubb Corporate Giving
- Dan and Elizabeth Esch
- Jerry and Karen Francois
- Robert King
- Paul Lafferty and Tara Matthews Lafferty
- John and Jeana Lee
- Karla and Peter Myers
- Andrew and Karen Portis
- Norm Troullier and Christine Stanson
- Leah and Karl Anderson
- Zoe and Maxwell Dickson
- Nan Etzwiler and Dan O'Neill
- Walter and Stefanie Galicich
- Scott and Jennifer Holloway
- Peter Jacobs and Carol Hatcher
- Drs. Michael and Kyung Kim
- Matthew and Christine Larson
- Timothy and Michelle Mick
- The Minneapolis Foundation
- Rob and Mary Nicoski
- Jesse Okie and Mary Harrington
- Brent and Melissa Peacock
- Polaris Foundation
- Polaris Industries, Inc.
- Anudeep Rahil and Timinder Biring
- The REELL Foundation
- Timothy and Melinda Samsel
- Stacey Stewart and Liz Lane
- Tohr Vorvick and Sarah Bellefuil
- Jordan and Christi Zweig
- Steve and Jane Arsenault
- Ryan Baldwin and Heidi Nelson
- Emily (Spilseth) '91 and Bryce Binstadt
- Jim Caspers and Cory Pope
- Jonathon Faust and Jessica Flynn
- Kevin and Linda Goodno
- Randy and Jenny Lindrud
- Michael and Susan Mercer
- John and Zindy Mooney
- Mrs. John H. Myers
- Michael and Pam Nightingale
- Douglas A. Olson and Charlene E. McEvoy
- Purgett Family
- David Schreifels and Linda Gondringer
- Tamarack Habilitation Technologies, Inc.
- Thomson Reuters
- Mike and Stephanie Vergin
- Wyoming Machine, Inc.
- J. Randolf and Margaret Beahrs
- Kofi Bruce and Amy Christensen-Bruce
- Irv Cohen
- Michael Dai and Gail Engstrom
- Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
- Suzanne Flotten
- James and Joan Gardner
- Daniel and Kristin Gasteazoro
- General Mills Box Tops for Education
- Rahoul Ghose and Lynne Bardy
- Nilton and Karin Gil
- Lucia Gray
- John and Catherine Harvanko
- Jason and Kris Helgeson
- Thomas and Laura Hockert
- Vladimir and Silvia Hugec
- Douglas and Kimberly Jakway
- Kowalski's Woodbury Market
- Dan and Sarah Lantz
- Matt and Jennifer MacDonald
- George and Anastasia Mastrogiorgis
- Paula Miller
- Jeffrey and Jacqueline Mudge
- Katie and Dan Murr
- Chad Pearson and Mette Flor
- Mark and Judith Segal
- Rollie and Muriel Seltz
- Jerry Yu and Tanya Liang
- James Ziegler and Susan Knapp
- Anonymous
- Jonathan and Patricia Akers
- Jodi Ayres '91
- Mick and Sarah Bauer
- Best Buy Charitable Trust
- Elaine Bransford '97 and Nikola Govich
- Spencer Butts '99
- Margaret Cords Lammers
- Carolina and Jose Del Solar
- James Densley and Emily Faber-Densley
- Craig and Andrea Dodson
- Shirley Espeland
- Lincoln Fetcher and Kathy Kater
- Elizabeth and David Finch
- Kathleen Finnegan Lamey
- Robert Fox '00
- George and Georganne Fredericks
- Jeff and Lucy Heegaard
- Alexandra Hiniker '05
- Jean and Hugh Huelster
- Chris and Jeanine Jesmer
- Harvey and Suzanne Kaplan
- Jacqueline Kemper
- Jerone and Penny Kennedy
- Anthony and Randee Killeen
- Phil and Patty Kohls
- John Lamey III
- Tom and Karen Lansing
- Bob and Ruth Madore
- Marian Messing '07
- George Mills '04 and Barclay Woodbury
- Naomi Munzner
- Eric and Kristin Nyquist
- Mona and Jerry Poehling
- Steve and Caroline Portoghese
- Mary and Les Robison
- Rich Rolfs and Mary Zygmunt Rolfs
- Tiffany Scott Knox and Clarence Knox
- Charles and Roberta Seum
- Steve Siegel Family
- Suzanne Sotelo '89
- Shelley Steingraeber
- Craig Stenson '91
- James Stewart and Florence Monsour
- Tobi Tanzer and Rene Tragatsch
- Dr. Camille L. and Louis David Wainwright
- James and Susan Wandell
- Timothy '87 and Rachael White
- Jessica Wong '05
Honorary and Memorial Gifts
- Jessica Appert
- Cheryl Brown
- Hannah '11, Samuel '13 and Camille '17, Arsenault
- Steve and Jane Arsenault
- Nate Bander '09
- Kathryn Anderson '09
- Matthew Bander '11
- Michael Bander
- Matthew Bander '11
- Michael Bander
- Michael Bander
- Nate Bander '09
- Hanna Bartholic '09
- Bartholic Family Foundation
- Mary Beggin
- Anonymous
- Margaret Cords Lammers
- Michael Dai and Gail Engstrom
- James Densley and Emily Faber-Densley
- Nan Etzwiler and Dan O'Neill
- George and Georganne Fredericks
- Chris and Jeanine Jesmer
- Jacqueline Kemper
- Jerone and Penny Kennedy
- Philip and Patricia Kohls
- Matthew and Christine Larson
- Marian Messing '07
- Brent and Melissa Peacock
- Mona and Jerry Poehling
- Steve and Caroline Portoghese
- J. Randolf and Margaret Beahrs
- Mary and Les Robison
- Rich Rolfs and Mary Zygmunt Rolfs
- Shelley Steingraeber
- Lisa Buck
- Kate Johnston '98

There is so much engagement from the community; everybody is in it together.
Michelle Wessely Mick
Meet Michelle Wessely Mick
Isaac Mick entered MPA as a kindergartener in the fall of 2016, slightly nervous, alongside his mother, Michelle. However, during his first year, he was encouraged to try new things, take risks, and truly push the limits. "At MPA, Isaac is loved, nurtured, comfortable, and supported. He loves coming to school!" Michelle says. As a parent at MPA, Michelle feels those same things from the faculty, staff, and friends. "At MPA there is so much connection and the encouragement is infectious."
Michelle gives back to MPA in many ways, though the biggest is her work with the MPA gardens. She has done beautiful work with the areas in the front of the school, near the playground, and in the Benz Courtyard. MPA is grateful for all Michelle has done to make our school even more beautiful.
Her advice to those who want to get involved is: "Talk to someone regarding your passions and see where you can help. It is always gratefully received."
- Maureen Conway
- Elaine Bransford '97 and Nikola Govich
- Robert Fox '00
- Michelle Hesterberg '07
- Avalon Levey '11
- Laura Nicholson '14
- John Edmundson
- Ross Kigner '08'
- Dan Ethier
- Gavin Wilkinson and Karlyn Peterson
- Marilyn Fritz Shardlow
- Richard and Nancy Dana
- Kevin McQuade '07
- Allen Greimel
- Karli Gasteazoro '13
- The Gwin Family
- David and Barbara Lader
- Sarah Hanson Salgado '03 and Anastasia Vershenya '01
- Steve Hanson and Susan Cary-Hanson
- The Heil Women
- Andrea Heil '10
- Lauren Hernandez
- Allan and Jan Bergman
- Jose and Stacy Hernandez
- William Hudson
- Tamra and Richard Anderson
- Robert Kreischer
- Richard and Nancy Dana
- Sandy Kreischer Smith
- Richard and Nancy Dana
- Richard Meacock
- Mick and Sarah Bauer
- J. Randolf and Margaret Beahrs
- Emily (Spilseth) '91 and Bryce Binstadt
- Elaine Bransford '97 and Nikola Govich
- Spencer Butts '99
- Nan Etzwiler and Dan O'Neill
- Robert Fox '00
- James and Joan Gardner
- Jeff and Lucy Heegaard
- Alexandra Hiniker '05
- Jean and Hugh Huelster
- Harvey and Suzanne Kaplan
- Jacqueline Kemper
- Jerone and Penny Kennedy
- Anthony and Randee Killeen
- Philip and Patricia Kohls
- Avalon Levey '11
- Marian Messing '07
- George Mills '04 and Barclay Woodbury
- Brent and Melissa Peacock
- Caroline and Steve Portoghese
- Mary and Les Robison
- Rich Rolfs and Mary Zygmunt Rolfs
- Charles and Roberta Seum
- Craig Stenson '91
- Tohr Vorvick and Sarah Bellefuil
- Dr. Camille L. and Louis David Wainwright
- James and Susan Wandell
- Timothy '87 and Rachael White
- Cameron '13 and Isabel '17 Meyer-Mueller
- Cynthia Meyer
- Matthew Miller '09
- Nate Bander '09
- Maya Mueller Merchant '14
- Lisa Mueller
- Kelly Myers '18
- Tasslyn and Dan Magnusson
- Theresa Reardon Offerman
- Marian Messing '07
- Ellen Rest
- Nate Bander '09
- Kristin Ruud-Diaz
- John Chilgren '06
- Marlene Sanders
- Mary Sanders
- Michael Scinto
- Karli Gasteazoro '03
- Logan Segal
- Marvin and Stefanie Segal
- Elizabeth Slocum
- Avalon Levey '11
- DeeDee Stacy
- Natalie Waters Seum and Bradley Seum
- Patti Swette-Osman
- Katie and Dan Murr
- Robert Flotten
- Suzanne Flotten
- Matthew Giesen
- Sandy K. Smith and Gregory Giesen
- David Godfrey
- Doug and Jennifer Baldwin
- Wade Peterson '87
- Amy ZaiKaner Levey
- Avalon Levey '11
- Joan Munzner
- Marilyn Fritz Shardlow and John Shardlow
- Naomi Munzner
- John Norton
- Barbara Horlbeck
- Dean Sanders
- Mary Sanders
- Bob and Maryellen Torkildsen
- Mary Sanders
In-Kind Gifts
Thank you to the following donors for their in-kind donations of goods and services. We appreciate the many items that are donated to the school each year, such as classroom supplies, library books, recess equipment, art supplies, office necessities, decorations and food for Lower School parties, as well as auction items for the annual Spring Auction. Thank you again for your gifts!
- 210 Laurel LLC
- Chris and Billi Jo Aamodt
- Agave Loco LLC
- Jonathan and Patricia Akers
- Stefan and Margelusa Alexa
- Beatrice Alvarez
- Kathryn Andersen '09
- Leah and Karl Anderson
- Abe and Kristen Appert
- Jessica Appert
- Ryan Baldwin and Heidi Nelson
- Nate Bander '09
- Mick and Sarah Bauer
- Rachelle Beauchane
- Charlotte Bergh '22
- Rosemary Bergh '26
- Emily (Spilseth) '91 and Bryce Binstadt
- Brad and Angela Bliese
- Jessica Blue and Jon Bergh
- Neelu and Rama Boddipalli
- Peter Bohacek and Kristen Hansen
- Michael and Kathy Bourne
- Brian and Jennifer Boyle
- Michael and Crystal Boyle
- Breadsmith
- Erica (Utgaard) '96 and Matt Brewinski
- Robin and Gregg Brooksbank
- Lisa Buck
- Cafe Latte
- Brent and Jennifer Cahill
- Robert and Mary Cardenas
- Colleen Casey and Kurt Keogh
- Jim Caspers and Cory Pope
- David and Diane Christianson
- Commonwealth Properties
- CorePower Yoga
- Andrew and Wendy Cusick
- RJ and Amy Dahiya
- Peter Dahlberg and Anuradha Tummala
- Michael Dai and Gail Engstrom
- Marina Dale and Brian Harms
- Dancing Goat Distillery LLC
- Dennis Davidson and Stéphanie Bernatchez
- Emilie V. Davidson '19
- Benjamin Davis and Dao Yang
- Amos Deinard and Yukiko Miyokawa
- Simon and Michelle De La Pena
- Jordan and Ashley DeNight
- James Densley and Emily Faber-Densley
- Zoe and Maxwell Dickson
- Craig and Andrea Dodson
- Sally Doherty and Karen Weiss
- Lisa and Curtis Dunn
- Eckroth Music
- Gregory Erickson and Jamie McNaughton
- Daniel and Elizabeth Esch
- Mario Espinosa and Olga
- Espinosa-Splichalova
- Nan Etzwiler and Dan O'Neill
- Jonathon Faust and Jessica Flynn
- Elizabeth and David Finch
- Kathleen Finnegan Lamey
- Thomas and Mary FitzGerald
- Peter and Barbara Fleming
- Lorenzo and Rong Lin Fontanesi
- Les and Meredith Forgosh
- Frameworks Gallery
- Jerry and Karen Francois
- Tara Fruchterman
- Todd Fruchterman
- Walter and Stefanie Galicich
- Michael Gaudio and Kerry Morgan
- Tom and Caroline George
- Angela and Matthew Gerstner
- Chris and Brooke Ghanbarzadeh
- Rahoul Ghose and Lynne Bardy
- Nilton and Karin Gil
- Marisue Gleason
- Janice Go
- Ashley and Matt Goetzke
- Jon and Carla Grabanski
- Paul and Lori Guggenheim
- Sixto Guiang and Jennifer Mehmel
- Megan Gulcznski
- Sanders and Doreen Gwin
- Matthew and Brenda Haak
- Chris and Monica Haas
- Josh and Trish Hanson
- Kevin and Polly Hart
- John and Catherine Harvanko
- Chris and Amy Hawley
- Jason and Kris Helgeson
- Gwynn Hietala-Carver
- Hilda Berdie Photography
- Jeffrey Hill and Diane Ogren
- Hilltop Hospitality
- Thomas and Laura Hockert
- Scott and Jennifer Holloway
- William Hudson and Ross Olson
- Huge Improv Theater
- Vladimir and Silvia Hugec
- Kelly Humphrey
- Joseph and Tricia Hutton
- Inspiration Performing Arts Center
- Peter Jacobs and Carol Hatcher
- Kapil and Tina Jain
- Douglas and Kimberly Jakway
- Jewish Community Center
- Norman Jones and Sandra Schreur Jones
- Gary and Dawn Jurkovich
- Ferry Khouw and Helen Hindrawati
- Paul Lafferty and Tara Matthews Lafferty
- John Lamey III
- Dan and Sarah Lantz
- Ilse and Todd Larsen
- Matthew and Christine Larson
- Mike Larson and Anne Cammack
- Alan and Sandy Law
- John and Jeana Lee
- Kenneth and Elizabeth Lewen
- Ida Lim '26
- Jyue and Hatice Lim
- Jianye Lin and Yubei Hu
- Randy and Jennifer Lindrud
- LoLo
- Jason and Kirsten Long
- Jim and Dawn Loving
- Tibbe Luell
- Jason Lutgen
- Summer Lutgen
- Matt and Jennifer MacDonald
- Barry Madore and Kirstin Scanlan Madore
- Philip and Larisa Manger
- David and Belinda Manolis
- Heather and Chad Mastel
- George and Anastasia Mastrogiorgis
- Tom Masuda
- Sarah and James McFarland
- Tracy McGrorty
- Daniel and Heidi McKeown
- Olivia McLaughlin '26
- Monte and Karen Mecklenburg
- Patricia Meras
- Michael and Susan Mercer
- Robert and Mary Messner
- Timothy and Michelle Mick
- Midwest Custom Bottling
- Minnesota Wild Hockey
- Mississippi Market Natural Foods Co-op
- Sara Mohn and William Schultz
- John and Zindy Mooney
- Matthew and Jane Moore
- MSP - Plumbing, Heating, Air
- Lisa Mueller
- Garrett Mulrooney and Anissa Mediger
- Ann Myers
- Karla and Peter Myers
- Courtney Nagle and Scott Burnett
- Jason Nanney and Sioban Bohannon
- Prashant Nayak and Seema Anwar
- Julia Nelson
- Ford and Catherine Nicholson
- Rob and Mary Nicoski
- Michael and Pam Nightingale
- Nothing Bundt Cakes
- Kevin Nyenhuis
- Kari and Michael O'Keefe
- Henry and Jennifer Ogden
- Stephen and Cindy Olk
- Douglas A. Olson and Charlene E. McEvoy
- Park Square Theatre
- Chris and Heidi Parton
- Patina - Minneapolis
- Andy and Dawn Paulson
- Brent and Melissa Peacock
- Garry and Mary Ann Peterson
- Paul and Kathi Peterson
- Wade Peterson '87
- William Platz and Todd Savage
- Jim Poradek and Katharine Gotham
- Andrew and Karen Portis
- Steve and Caroline Portoghese
- Russ Purdy and Amy Schneider Purdy
- Steven and Anne Quam
- John and Kelsi Rahm
- Sunderraju Ramachandran and
- Asha Siddappa
- Kevin Rhodes and Melinda Lopes
- Scott and Sally Richie
- The Saint Paul Hotel
- Sam's Club - White Bear Lake
- Tim and Melinda Samsel
- Sandbox Theatre
- Elizabeth Sanders
- Anne and John Scalia
- Mark Scheible and Beth Wegner
- Chris and Alison Schell
- Alexander and Susanne Schmitz
- Jason and Elizabeth Schwalen
- Gary and Suzanne Schwartz
- Tiffany Scott Knox and Clarence Knox
- Mark and Judith Segal
- Steven and Carrie Siegel
- Benjamin Silberglitt and Amy Treeful
- Brent Sill and Erica Huppert
- Garry and Linda Sill
- Thomas and Caroline Simonson
- Sixth Chamber Used Books
- Mark and Kathleen Smith
- Srinivas Somayajula and Sailaja Chandrapati
- Renee and David Sonka
- SoulBoxer Cocktail Co.
- Scott and Jean Spisak
- Jay and Joni Springer
- DeeDee and Jess Stacy
- Stages Theatre Company
- Stevie Ray's Improv Company
- Shane and Suzanne Strack
- Studio One Yoga
- Sweatshop Health Club
- Patti and Kent Swette-Osman
- Sanjay and Anju Syal
- Stephen and Angeline Tan
- Tobi Tanzer and Rene Tragatsch
- Bob and Grizelda Taylor
- Tennis On Selby
- Zaaj Thao and Kuo Moua
- Thayer Orthodontics
- Suki and Tom Thomsen
- Norman Troullier and Christine Stanson
- Michael and Lisa Vale
- Valley Bookseller
- Arturo and Daniella Valverde
- John and Betsy Van Hecke
- The Velveteen Rabbit
- Michael and Stephanie Vergin
- Villas at Giants Ridge
- W.A. Frost & Company
- Kevin Wahl and Darcy Burgund
- Gina Wallraff
- Glenn and Jennifer Walter
- Natalie Waters Seum and Bradley Seum
- The Wedge & Wheel
- Robert Wentink and Jacqui Ganser
- Terrence and Sheneeta White
- Wild Wings of Oneka
- Mikki Williams and Alan Troske
- Stokley and Sylvia Williams
- John Witt
- Charlie and Maureen Wu
- Bee Yang and Chue Moua
- Stephen and Andrea Yoch
- Jerry Yu and Tanya Liang
- Michael Zajac and Megan Kavanagh
- Bernie and Evie Zeruhn
- James Ziegler and Susan Knapp
- Jordan and Christi Zweig
Spring Auction
Besides being a great deal of fun, the MPA Spring Auction is our largest community event and only fundraiser. Thanks to the generous MPA community, we raised more than $125,000 at the 2018 Spring Auction. There are two primary functions of the auction. First, it is an opportunity for all parents, alumni, faculty, and friends to build community and to celebrate our common interest in education. Second, it is an opportunity to raise much needed funds. Thank you to our 2018 Spring Auction donors!
- Anonymous
- Jonathan and Patricia Akers
- Leah and Karl Anderson
- Tamra and Richard Anderson
- Abe and Kristen Appert
- Steve and Jane Arsenault
- Associated Eye Care
- Ryan Baldwin and Heidi Nelson
- Nate Bander '09
- Emily (Spilseth) '91 and Bryce Binstadt
- Neelu and Rama Boddipalli
- Michael and Kathy Bourne
- Remy and Avis Bourne
- Jane Boyer
- Brian and Jennifer Boyle
- Norlin and Carole Boyum
- Bremer Bank
- Erica (Utgaard) '96 and Matt Brewinski
- Robin and Gregg Brooksbank
- Kofi Bruce and Amy Christensen-Bruce
- Cathryn Camacho '04
- Gaylene Camacho
- Colleen Casey and Kurt Keogh
- Jim Caspers and Cory Pope
- Randy Comfort and Lisa Fisher-Comfort
- Andrew and Wendy Cusick
- Michael Dai and Gail Engstrom
- Dennis Davidson and Stéphanie Bernatchez
- Amos and Sue Deinard
- Zoe and Maxwell Dickson
- Craig and Andrea Dodson
- Sally Doherty and Karen Weiss
- Nicholas Eagon
- Jake and Laura Eibon
- Rebecca Erdahl
- Dan and Elizabeth Esch
- Nan Etzwiler and Dan O'Neill
- Jonathon Faust and Jessica Flynn
- Kathleen Finnegan Lamey
- Les and Meredith Forgosh
- Jerry and Karen Francois
- Todd Fruchterman
- Walter and Stefanie Galicich
- Daniel and Kristin Gasteazoro
- Rahoul Ghose and Lynne Bardy
- Nilton and Karin Gil
- Kevin and Linda Goodno
- Lucia Gray
- David and Laurel Gunderson
- Amy (Kemper) Haase '90 and Dan Haase
- Josh and Trish Hanson
- Jon Harris and Genevieve Utley
- John and Catherine Harvanko
- Jason and Kris Helgeson
- Thomas and Laura Hockert
- Scott and Jennifer Holloway
- William Hudson and Ross Olson
- Vladimir and Silvia Hugec
- Peter Jacobs and Carol Hatcher
- Douglas and Kimberly Jakway
- Chris and Jeanine Jesmer
- Mark Kenney
- Robert King
- Nicole and Aaron Koen
- Eric Korbach and Beth Eckhardt
- Michael Koza
- Kari and Jeffrey Kunze-Hoeg
- Deborah LaChapelle
- Paul Lafferty and Tara Matthews Lafferty

MPA has given us so much as a family and it is important for us to give back in support of the school.
Kofi Bruce
Meet Kofi Bruce
Following a visit to Mounds Park Academy with Alejandro for PreK, it was clear that MPA aligned with what Kofi and Amy were looking for in their son's education— a school that balanced academic rigor and whole child education. The choice was also simplified by the additional aspects that MPA offered such as small class sizes to provide flexibility for learning styles, and a supportive culture and mission.
Briefly, at the beginning of Alejandro's fourth grade year, his journey separated from MPA. Within five days he returned, which led to one of Kofi's favorite moments. When Alejandro walked in, his friend said to him, "We are so glad you are back. Welcome home, Alejandro!" This story encompasses what MPA has meant to so many families through the years.
Kofi has served on the Board of Trustees for eight years at Mounds Park Academy. His background is in finance and he felt that the Board was the perfect arena to help. Kofi's advice to those looking to join the Board or a committee is: "I strongly encourage them to join. These areas provide opportunities to give feedback on matters that you feel are important." We are so grateful for his service to MPA.
- John Lamey III
- Dan and Sarah Lantz
- Ilse and Todd Larsen
- Matthew and Christine Larson
- Alan and Sandy Law
- Avalon Levey '11
- Randy and Jenny Lindrud
- Matt and Jennifer MacDonald
- Barry Madore and Kirstin Scanlan Madore
- Philip and Larisa Manger
- David and Belinda Manolis
- Isaac Marshall '11
- Heather and Chad Mastel
- George and Anastasia Mastrogiorgis
- Janell Matz and Shannon O'Keefe
- Sarah and James McFarland
- Michael and Susan Mercer
- Timothy and Michelle Mick
- George Mills '04 and Barclay Woodbury
- Sara Mohn and William Schultz
- John and Zindy Mooney
- Katie and Dan Murr
- Karla and Peter Myers
- Prashant Nayak and Seema Anwar
- Rob and Mary Nicoski
- Michael and Pam Nightingale
- North Metro Dermatology
- Wendy and Michael Odeen
- Ben and Rita Olk
- Douglas A. Olson and Charlene E. McEvoy
- Andy and Dawn Paulson
- Brent and Melissa Peacock
- Kristine Petersen
- Chris Peterson
- Blair Pogue and Dwight Zscheile
- Andrew and Karen Portis
- Russ Purdy and Amy Schneider Purdy
- Steven and Anne Quam
- Anudeep Rahil and Timinder Biring
- Josh Reimnitz
- Scott and Sally Richie
- Trudy Richter
- Frank and Tamara Robertson
- Timothy and Melinda Samsel
- Anne and John Scalia
- Alexander and Susanne Schmitz
- Gary and Suzanne Schwartz
- Mark and Judith Segal
- Garry and Linda Sill
- Steve and Christine Snider
- Renee and David Sonka
- Paul and Claire Spilseth
- Emily Stevens
- Stacey Stewart and Liz Lane
- Sanjay and Anju Syal
- Stephen and Angeline Tan
- Bob and Grizelda Taylor
- Colleen Tierney
- Michael Tierney
- Norm Troullier and Christine Stanson
- Ellen and Rusty Turpin
- Michael and Lisa Vale
- Arturo and Daniella Valverde
- Michael Velin '06 and Ashley Cooper
- Mike and Stephanie Vergin
- Natalie Waters Seum and Bradley Seum
- Mikki Williams and Alan Troske
- Daniel and Genevieve Winga
- Jessica Wong '05
- Renee and David Wright
- Kao Kalia Yang
- Jerry Yu and Tanya Liang
- Michael Zajac and Megan Kavanagh
- Bernie and Evie Zeruhn
- James Ziegler and Susan Knapp
- Jordan and Christi Zweig
Total Giving
MPA Fund
Restricted Gifts

Income Statement
Tuition (less financial aid) | 8,436,00 |
Contributions | 2,321,000 |
Auxiliary Programs | 405,000 |
Investment Return and Interest Earnings | 522,000 |
Other Revenue and Support | 333,000 |
TOTAL REVENUE | 12,017,000 |
Instructional and Support Services | 7,610,000 |
General and Administrative | 1,970,000 |
Plant and Maintenance | 575,000 |
Fundraising | 357,000 |
Financing Expenses | 214,000 |
Depreciation | 1,139,000 |
TOTAL EXPENSES | 11,865,000 |
General Donations | 416,308 |
Spring Auction | 126,447 |
Total | 542,755 |
Endowment Gifts | 56,216 |
Fund A Need | 75,000 |
Restricted Gifts | 56,740 |
Total | 187,956 |
TOTAL GIVING | 730,711 |
Other | 1,590,289 |